Departamento de Genética e Evolução

Artigos publicados em revistas de circulação internacional especializadas

  1. R.A.Azevedo, P.Arruda, P.Turner e P.J.Lea, ``The biosynthesis and metabolism of the aspartate derived aminoacids in higher plants'', Phytochemistry, 46, 395-419, (1997).
  2. R.A.Jorge e P.Arruda, ``Aluminum-induced organic acids exudation in an aluminum-tolerant tropical maize variety'', Phytochemistry, 45(4), 675-681, (1997).
  3. H.C.T.Ribeiro, Pavan e A.R.Muotri, ``Comparative susceptibility of two diffeerent hosts to genotypic variants of the Anticarsia gemmatalis nuclear polyhedrosis virus'', Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 83, 233-237, (1997).
  4. A.R.Jorge e P.Arruda, ``Aluminum-induced organic acids exudation in an aluminum-tolerant tropical maize variety'', Phytochemistry, 45, 675-681, (1997).
  5. P.G.Araujo, W.J.da Silva, M.P.Maluf e L.M.Prioli, ``Mapping of a novel viviparous unstable mutant of maize (vp12)'', Revista Brasileira de Genética, 20, 71-74, (1997).
  6. P.Arruda e A.Jorge R, ``Aluminum-induced organic acids exudation in an aluminum-tolerant tropical maize variety'', Phytochemistry, 45, 675-681, (1997).
  7. H.Moon D, L.Ottoboni, M.M, Souza, S.T.Sibov, M.Gaspar, P.Arruda e D.H.Moon, ``Somaclonal-variation-induced aluminum-sensitive mutant from an aluminum-inbreed maize tolerant line'', Plant Cell Reports, 16, 686-691, (1997).
  8. R.A.Azevedo, P.Arruda, W.L.Turner e P.J.Lea, ``The biosynthesis and metabolism of the aspartate derived aminoacids in higher plants'', Phytochemistry, 46, 395-419, (1997).
  9. H.C.T.Ribeiro, Pavan e A.R.Muotri, ``Comparative susceptibility of two different hosts to genotypic variants of the Anticarsia gemmatalis nuclear polyhedrosis virus'', Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 83, 233-237, (1997).

Fri Nov 13 10:37:14 BDB 1998