Departamento de Genética e Evolução

Capítulos de livros publicados no exterior

  1. I.Policarpov, A.Craievich, G.Oliva, E.E.Castellano, R.C.Garrat, P.Arruda e A.Leite, ``Protein crystallography station at LNLS'', ``Protein crystallography situation at LNLS'', 1_a Edição, Vol. 1, Editora: World Scientific, Pags 391-394, Singapura, Cingapura , (1997).
  2. P.Arruda, G.Cord Neto e M.G.Gonçalves-Butruille, ``Lysine catabolism and the regulation of lysine accumulation in maize endosperm'', ``Thirthy years of quality protein maize:1964-1994'', 1_a Edição, Vol. 1, Editora: Purdue University Press, Pags 175-184, Eua , Estados Unidos , (1997).
  3. P.Arruda, I.Polikarpov, A.Craievich, G.Oliva, E.E.Castellano, R.C.Garrat e A.Leite, ``Protein crystallography station at LNLS'', ``Physics andIndustrial Development: Bridging the gap'', Editora: World Scientific, Pags 391-394, Singapore, China , (1997).
  4. L.M.Castanho, G.Cord Neto e M.Gonçalves-Butruille, ``Lysine catabolism and the regulation of lysine accumulation in maize endosperm'', ``Thirty years of quality protein maize: 1064-1994'', Editora: Purdue University Press, Pags 175-184, Estados Unidos , (1997).

Fri Nov 13 10:37:14 BDB 1998