Núcleo de Cienc.Aplicações e Tecnol.Espacial

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. V.Makhmoutov, P.Kaufmann, J.E.R.Costa, J.P.Raulin, P.R.Lagrotta e C.G.Gimenez de Castro, ``Fast pulsations at the onset of the great solar bursts of 22 october 1989'', Americam Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, Estados Unidos , 17, 242, (1997).
  2. V.Makhmoutov, P.Kaufmann, J.E.R.Costa e P.R.Lagrotta, ``Great Solar Bursts of October 19, 22 and 23, 1989'', 31st COSPAR Cientific Assembly, Reino Unido , 202, (1997).
  3. P.Kaufmann, ``A pioneer concept for a solar submm-w telescope in construction at CASLEO'', Annual Meeting Argentine Astron. Assoc, Argentina , 41, 51, (1997).

Mon Sep 14 14:16:29 BSC 1998