Centro de Biologia Molecular e Eng. Genética

Artigos publicados em revistas de circulação internacional especializadas

  1. C.Hackel e M.Varella-Garcia, ``Interphase cytogenetics using fluorescence in situ hybridization : an overview of its application to difuse and solid tissue'', Revista Brasileira de Genética, 20(1), 97-106, (1997).
  2. R.A.Azevedo, P.Arruda, P.Turner e P.J.Lea, ``The biosynthesis and metabolism of the aspartate derived aminoacids in higher plants'', Phytochemistry, 46, 395-419, (1997).
  3. H.C.T.Ribeiro, O.H.de Pavan e A.R.Muotri, ``Comparative susceptibility of two diffeerent hosts to genotypic variants of the Anticarsia gemmatalis nuclear polyhedrosis virus'', Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 83, 233-237, (1997).
  4. M.Vincentz, A.Leite, G.Neshich, G.Vriend, C.Mattar, L.Barros, D.Weinberg, E.R.de Almeida, M.Paes de Carvalho, F.Argao e E.S.Gander, ``ACGT and vicilin coresequences in a promoter domain required for seed-specific expression of a 2S storage protein gene are recognize by the opaque-2 regulatory protein'', Plant Molecular Biology, 34, 879-889, (1997).
  5. A.R.Jorge e P.Arruda, ``Aluminum-induced organic acids exudation in an aluminum-tolerant tropical maize variety'', Phytochemistry, 45, 675-681, (1997).
  6. P.G.Araujo, W.J.da Silva, M.P.Maluf e L.M.Prioli, ``Mapping of a novel viviparous unstable mutant of maize (vp12)'', Revista Brasileira de Genética, 20, 71-74, (1997).

Mon Sep 14 14:16:29 BSC 1998