Centro de Biologia Molecular e Eng. Genética

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. M.Gaspar, S.T.Sibov, M.Menossi, M.J.da Silva, A.P.de Souza, P.Arruda e L.M.M.Ottoboni, ``Somaclonal Variation Induced Zein Mutations in Maize'', 5th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Cingapura , (1997).
  2. M.Menossi, L.G.Maron, R.F.Bergamo, L.M.M.Ottoboni e P.Arruda, ``Cloning of an Aluminum Induced Gene in Maize by mRNA Differential Display'', 5th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Cingapura , (1997).
  3. M.Menossi, R.F.Bergamo, L.G.Maron, R.A.Jorge, L.M.M.Ottoboni e P.Arruda, ``Aluminum Tolerance in Maize: Correlation with Organic Acids Exudation and Calmodulin Gene expression'', 5th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Cingapura , (1997).
  4. G.A.D.Souza Filho, M.Menossi, M.J.da Silva, J.A.Yunes, A.Leite, P.Arruda e L.M.M.Ottoboni, ``Identification of a DNA-Binding Factor that Recognizes the Coixin Promoter and Interacts with the Coix Opaque-2 Like Protein'', 5th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Cingapura , (1997).
  5. K.Metze, V.C.Colussi, C.Hackel, O.Rettori, E.M.Danielli Nicola, J.H.Nicola, D.F.Cabral e P.Iazetti, ``Photodynamic therapy in hyperbaric hyperoxia'', XVI European Congress of Pathology, 193, 308, (1997).
  6. A.N.Capella, C.Benedetti e P.Arruda, ``Negative regulation of GapB gene by jasmonic acid in Arabidopsis thaliana'', 5th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Cingapura , (1997).
  7. G.Guerra Junior, M.T.M.Baptista, A.M.Morcillo, A.T.M.Guerra, C.Hackel, A.P.Marques-de-Faria, S.H.V.Marini e C.Y.Koide, ``Can the height single evaluation differentiate the prepubertal girls with familial short stature and Turner syndrome ?'', XI Reunion de la Sociedad Latino Americana de Endocrinologia Pediatric, Chile , (1997).

Mon Sep 14 14:16:29 BSC 1998