Departamento de Engenharia de Alimentos

Capítulos de livros publicados no exterior

  1. M.L.da Cunha, Canto e A.Marsaioli Jr, ``Driying Pulped Coffee Cerry Beans by Means of Heated Air Assisted by Microwaves'', ``Microwaves: Theory and Application in Materials Processing IV'', Vol. 80, Editora: The American Ceramic Society, Pags 641-649, Westerville, Estados Unidos , (1997).
  2. G.I.L.Aguiar, T.Gehrke, F.E.X.Murr e D.C.Lozano, ``Effect of Temperature and Concentration on the Viscosity of Acerola Pulp'', ``Engineering & Food at ICEF 7'', Vol. I, Editora: Sheffied Academic Press, Pags 80-83, Sheffield, Reino Unido , (1997).

Fri Nov 13 11:22:52 BDB 1998