Departamento de Planejamento Alimentar e Nutrição

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. Oliveira e R.B.Nascentes, ``Cooked Legumes Caused an Increased in the Size and Cellular Activity of the Rat Small Intestine'', 16th International Congress of Nutrition, Canada , 72, (1997).
  2. L.L.C.Neyra e Oliveira, ``Effect of Supplementation with Vitamin E on the LDL Peroxidation from Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits'', 16th International Congress of Nutrition, Canada , 259, (1997).
  3. M.A.A.P.Silva e E.Salay, ``Consumer Attitudes Towards Establishments of Selling Fruit and Vegetables in a Brazilian City'', 16th International Congress of Nutrition, Canada , 1, 173, (1997).

Fri Nov 13 11:22:52 BDB 1998