Departamento de Comunicações

Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de simpósios internacionais

  1. M.A.G.Carvalho e J.B.T.Yabu-uti, ``Homomorphic Filtering - An Application'', International Khoros Symposium, 1, 55-58, (1997).
  2. Moraes, G.L.Kemper Vasquez e Y.Iano, ``Relevant Aspects on Multiplexing and Transport Layer Applied on HDTV'', VIII Simpósio De Ingenieria Electrica, 1, 1-5, (1997).
  3. A.M.Abushaala e Y.Iano, ``Software Development of the Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding of JBIG Standard for BI-Level Image Compression'', VIII Simpósio de Ingenieria Electrica, 1, 1-2, (1997).
  4. E.M.G.Fernandez e R.Baldini Filho, ``A Method to Find Runlength Limited Block Error Control Codes'', 1997 International Symposium on Information Theory, 1, 220, (1997).
  5. M.E.Pellenz e J.Portugheis, ``New Commutative Group Codes'', IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 1, 295, (1997).
  6. C.S.J.Marques e J.Portugheis, ``Block Multidimensional M-PSK Modulation Codes with Unequal Error Protection'', IEEE International Synposium on Information Theory, 2, 527, (1997).
  7. I.S.Bonatti, A.Lopes e P.L.D.Peres, ``Orthogonalizing the Equally Spaced Impulse Responses of Non-ideal Low Pass Filters'', IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 3, 1137-1140, (1997).
  8. L.Luan Ling e N.R.Gomes, ``Handwritten Numeral Recognition Using a Sequencial Classifier and Hopfield Neural Nets'', International Symposium on Information Theory - ISIT'97, 212, (1997).
  9. L.Luan Ling e A.J.Centeno Filho, ``A New Toroidal Multi-Dimensional Network'', International Symposium on Information Theory - ISIT'97, 35, (1997).
  10. G.G.R.Gomes e R.Baldini Filho, ``Block Coded Modulation for Non-Square QAM'', 4th. International Symposium on Communication Theory and Apllications, 1, 26-33, (1997).
  11. L.Luan Ling e N.R.Gomes, ``Disconnected Handwritten Character Image Recognition'', International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, (1997).
  12. L.M.Garcia Fonseca e M.H.M.Costa, ``Automatic Registration of Satellite Imagery'', Image Registration Workshop, 13-27, (1997).

Fri Nov 13 11:22:52 BDB 1998