Departamento de Sistemas e Controle de Energia

Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. S.M.Deckmann e G.Francisco Rabelo, ``A quality index based on voltage flicker and distortion evaluations'', IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Estados Unidos , 1, 235-241, (1997).
  2. J.P.Filho e G.Peres Caixeta, ``Electromagnetic fields generated by current transients on protection structures using TLM- A FD-TD comparison'', Aces'97 , Estados Unidos , 2, 649-654, (1997).
  3. J.A.Pomilio, Souza, L.Matias, P.L.D.Peres e I.S.Bonatti, ``Driving AC Motors Through a Long Cable: The Inverter Switching Strategy'', IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference - IEMDC'97, Estados Unidos , 2, 1141-1143, (1997).
  4. R.Crivellari Creppe e Souza, ``The asynchronous motor one-dimensional analysis'', 1997 IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives - IEMDC'97, Estados Unidos , 5, 1121-1123, (1997).
  5. R.Crivellari Creppe e Souza, ``The thrust and the ralation factor KR in linear induction machines'', 1997 IEEE Int. Electric Machines and Drives - Conference Record, Estados Unidos , 1, 1111-1113, (1997).
  6. Camargo Pires, ``Os riscos da superacao da TRV nos disjuntores de media tensao'', VII Encontro Regional Latino-Americano da CIGRE, Argentina , CE13, 1-8, (1997).
  7. E.R.Filho e R.Martins de Souza, ``Three-phase induction motor dynamic mathematical model'', IEEE Int. Electric Machines and Drives Conference, Estados Unidos , (1997).
  8. E.R.Filho e V.A.B.Sanchez, ``On the wound-rotor induction motor control'', IEEE Int. Electric Machines and Drives Conference, Estados Unidos , (1997).
  9. E.R.Filho e V.A.B.Sanchez, ``Control of wound-rotor induction machine control'', Int. Conf. on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, PEDS'97, Japao , (1997).
  10. C.G.Bianchin e J.A.Pomilio, ``Power Factor Regulators for Heating Applications'', IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference - PESC'97, Montserrat , 1, 509-515, (1997).
  11. Camargo Pires e N.Silva Dantas Brito, ``The analysis of transient phoenomena using the Wavelet theory'', Int. Conference on Power Systems Transients, Estados Unidos , 1, 171-176, (1997).
  12. J.P.Filho, ``Quasi-modes multiphase transmission line model'', Int. Conf. on Power Systems Transients IPST'97, Estados Unidos , 1, 61-66, (1997).
  13. M.V.Ataide e J.A.Pomilio, ``Single-Phase Shunt Active Filter: A Design Procedure Considering Harmonics and EMI Standards'', IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - ISIE'97, Portugal , 2, 422-427, (1997).
  14. G.Manoel Alves, Camargo Pires e Sousa Silva, ``Harmonic Distortion Measurements at 220 kV Itapu's Right Margin Substation (SEMD)'', The Int. Conference on Electrical Engineering, Japao , 1, 282-284, (1997).
  15. G.Peres Caixeta e J.P.Filho, ``Numerical simulation of lightning stroke on a LPS and the electromagnetic field'', 10th Int. Symp. on High Voltage Engineering - ISH'97, Canada , 1, 287-290, (1997).
  16. G.Peres Caixeta e J.P.Filho, ``Electromagnetic fields generated by lightning on protection structures of telecommunication centers'', IEEE - EMC - Int. Symp. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Estados Unidos , 1, 374-378, (1997).
  17. E.R.Filho, ``Dynamic mathematical model for electrical power system transient stability studies including the effects of the frequency changings on loads and line parameters'', 4th Int. Conf. on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation - EPQU'97, Polonia , (1997).
  18. E.R.Filho, C.A.Baldan e C.Y.Shigue, ``Simulation of multi superconducting magnet using Pspice'', 11th Int. Conf. on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Brasil , (1997).

Fri Nov 13 11:22:52 BDB 1998