Departamento de Telemática

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. R.Palazzo Jr, S.R.Costa, J.R.Geromino, J.C.Interlando e M.M.S.Alves, ``The Symmetry Group of ZQN in the Lee Space and The ZQN Linear Codes'', Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms, and Error Correcting Codes, Franca , 1, 8-9, (1997).
  2. R.Palazzo Jr, O.M.Favareto, T.P.N.Neto e J.C.Interlando, ``Codes Over Certain Rings of Algebraic Integers'', XII Applied Algebra and Error Correcting Codes, Franca , 1, 21-22, (1997).
  3. R.Palazzo Jr, O.M.Favareto, T.P.N.Neto e J.C.Interlando, ``Lattice Constellations Matched to GF (P)'', 1997 International Symposium on Information Theory, Alemanha , 1, 391-392, (1997).
  4. R.Palazzo Jr e A.A.Andrade, ``BCH Codes Over Arbitrary Finite Commutative Rings'', Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms, and Erros Correcting Codes, Franca , 1, 25-26, (1997).

Fri Nov 13 11:22:52 BDB 1998