Departamento de Engenharia do Petróleo

Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. R.N.Suzuki, R.da E.Trevisan e O.V.Trevisan, ``Analytical Solution for the Heat Transfer in Multiple Pass Arc Welding'', 78 Th Annual Convention, American Welding Society Conference, Estados Unidos , I, 147-154, (1997).
  2. F.Corrêa, ``A New Model of a Pressure Dependent Conductivity Hydraulic Fracture in Finite Reservoir Constant Rate Production Case'', Fiftth Latin American & Carebbean Petroleum Conference, Brasil , 1, 1-6, (1997).
  3. C.K.Morooka e A.F.da Rocha, ``An Intelligent System for Process Plant and Well'', Fifth Latin American & Carebbean Petroleum Conference, Brasil , 1, 1-6, (1997).
  4. A.C.F.Arruda, ``Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Electro-reological Fluids Made of Starch and Silicone Fluid'', 6th Int. Conf. on Electro-rheological Fluids, Magneto-rheological.., Japao , 1, 1-6, (1997).
  5. F.Corrêa, E.J.Bonet e M.C.C.Cunha, ``Computation of WAG process and Experimental Verification of Fractional Flow Hysteresis in Porous Media'', Fifth Latin American & Carebbean Petroleum Conference, Brasil , 1, 1-6, (1997).
  6. O.V.Trevisan e J.F.P.Cortes, ``Coupling Reservoir and Geomechanics to Interpret Tidal Effects in a Well Test'', 72nd SPE Annual Technical Meeting, Estados Unidos , 1, 1-6, (1997).
  7. C.K.Morooka, ``Drill Column-Riser-Wellbore Contact Forces in a Floating Drilling Rig in Waves'', 10th International Symposium on Offshore Engineering, Brasil , 1, 1-10, (1997).
  8. P.R.Ribeiro, ``Finite Element Modelling of the Mechanical Behaviour of Unbalanced Drillcolars'', Fifth Latin American & Carebbean Petroleum Conference, Brasil , 1, 1-8, (1997).
  9. C.K.Morooka, ``Kick Detection in Floating Drilling Rigs'', Fifth Latin American & Carebbean Petroleum Conference, Brasil , 1, 1-6, (1997).
  10. F.Corrêa, ``Matching of an Ancient Filling os an Oil Accumulation to Improve the Reservoir Characterization'', Fifth Latin American & Carebbean Petroleum Conference, Brasil , 1, 1-6, (1997).
  11. S.N.Bordalo, ``Stability Parameter for Two-Phase Vertical Annular Flow'', 72nd SPE - Annual Technical Conference, Estados Unidos , 1, 1-6, (1997).
  12. S.N.Bordalo, ``Stability Parameter for Two-Phase Vertical Annular Flow'', Fifth Latin American & Carebbean Petroleum Conference, Brasil , 1, 1-6, (1997).
  13. D.J.Schiozer, ``Use of External Parallelization to Improve History Matching'', Fifth Latin American & Carebbean Petroleum Conference, Brasil , 1, 1-6, (1997).
  14. D.J.Schiozer, A.Z.Remacre e L.G.Rodrigues, ``Use of Stochastic and Flow Simulation to Improve Reservoir Characterization and Production Forecast'', Fifth Latin American & Carebbean Petroleum Conference, Brasil , 1, 1-6, (1997).

Fri Nov 13 11:22:52 BDB 1998