Departamento de Engenharia Térmica e Fluidos

Artigos publicados em revistas de circulação internacional especializadas

  1. K.A.R.Ismail e R.F.Miranda, ``Two Dimensional Axisymmetrical Model for a Rotating Porous Wicked Heat Pipe'', Applied Thermal Engineering, 17(2), 135-155, (1997).
  2. K.A.R.Ismail, C.Salinas e M.M.Gonçalves, ``Frost Growth Around A Cylinder In a Wet Air Stream'', International Journal of Refrigeration, 20(2), 106-119, (1997).
  3. K.A.R.Ismail, J.F.B.Leal e M.A.Zanardi, ``Models of Liquid Storage Tanks'', Energy, 22(8), 805-815, (1997).
  4. L.Goldstein Jr, G.Lombardi e J.D.Pagliuso, ``Performance of a Tuyere Gas Distributor'', Powder Technology, 94, 5-14, (1997).
  5. K.A.R.Ismail e J.R.H.Guerrero, ``Pcm Glazing System'', International Journal of Energy Research, 21, 1241-1255, (1997).
  6. K.A.R.Ismail e J.N.C.Castro, ``Pcm Thermal Insulation in Buildings'', International Journal of Energy Research, 21, 1260-1276, (1997).
  7. K.A.R.Ismail e M.M.Goncalves, ``Analysis of a Latent Heat Cold Storage Unit'', International Journal of Energy Research, 21, 1223-1239, (1997).

Fri Nov 13 11:22:52 BDB 1998