Departamento de Projeto Mecânico

Capítulos de livros publicados no Brasil

  1. J.M.Balthazar, H.I.Weber e Mattos, ``Some Remarks on the Behaviour of a Non Ideal System'', ``Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications to engineering Sciences'', 1_a Edição, Vol. 1, Editora: AAm, ABCM, Grafica Cruzeiro do Sul, Pags 88-96, Rio Claro, (1997).
  2. J.M.Balthazar, H.I.Weber e Mattos, ``Some Observation on Numerical Simulations of the Non-Ideal Dynamical Systems'', ``Non Linear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications to Engineering Sciences'', 1_a Edição, Editora: AAM, ABCM, Grafica Cruzeiro, Pags 97-104, Rio Claro, (1997).
  3. J.M.Balthazar, D.Belato e H.I.Weber, ``A Short Note on the Dynamics of Electropendulum'', ``Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, control and Their Applications to Engineering Sciences'', 1_a Edição, Vol. 1, Editora: AAM, ABCM, Grafica Cruzeiro do Sul, Pags 241-245, Rio Claro, (1997).
  4. F.G.Dedini e M.Becker, ``Rollover Stability Analysis of the Three and Four Whell Vehicles'', ``Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control, And Their Applications to Engineering Sciences'', Vol. 1, Editora: AAM and ABCM, Pags 33-38, Sao Paulo, (1997).
  5. F.G.Dedini e M.Becker, ``Tire Models and their Influence on Vehicle Lateral Stability'', ``Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control, And Their Applications To Engineering Sciences'', Editora: AAM and ABCM, Pags 111-115, Sao Paulo, (1997).
  6. P.R.G.Kurka, J.Brandon e M.H.Mathias, ``A Parametric Method Applied to the Signal Analysis of a Cracked Beam'', ``Nonlinear Dynamics Chaos, Control and their Applications to Engineering Sciences'', Vol. 1, Editora: Aam Abcm , Pags 15-19, Sao Paulo, (1997).

Fri Nov 13 11:22:52 BDB 1998