Departamento de Termofluidodinâmica

Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. K.Tannous e H.L.Garcia, ``Effect of Solids Circulation Between Slug and Emulsion Phases in Gas Fluidized Bed'', First European on Chemical Engineering, Italia , 3, 1851-1853, (1997).
  2. M.A.Cremasco e S.B.R.Cremasco, ``An Instruction Methodology for Engineering Laboratory'', International Conference on Engineering Education, Estados Unidos , 369-378, (1997).
  3. M.A.Silva e E.S.Benta, ``Cyclonic Drying of Milled Corncob'', Inter-American Drying Conference, Brasil , A, 288-294, (1997).
  4. M.A.Silva e A.Dibb, ``Cyclone as Dryer - the Optimum Geometry'', Inter-American Drying Conference, Brasil , B, 396-403, (1997).
  5. O.P.Taranto, S.C.S.Rocha e G.S.V.Raghavan, ``Effect of Physical and Chemical Characteristics in the Process of So2 Adsortion'', 47TH Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Canada , CD, (1997).
  6. O.P.Taranto, S.C.S.Rocha e G.S.V.Raghavan, ``Coating of Tablets With Polymeric Suspension in Two Dimensional Spouted Bed With and Without Draft Plates'', Inter-American Drying Conference, Brasil , A, 272-278, (1997).
  7. R.S.Mohamed e M.A.Saldaña, ``Cholesterol Removal and Fractionation of Butter Oil Using Supercritical Co2 and Ethane and Adsorption on Alumina'', 4TH International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Japao , B, 609-612, (1997).
  8. R.S.Mohamed, M.A.Saldaña e P.Mazzafera, ``Extraction of Caffeine, Triglonelline and Chorogenic Acid From Brazilian Coffee Beans'', 4TH International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Japao , A, 219-222, (1997).
  9. R.S.Mohamed, A.P.Pires e P.A.Pessôa Filho, ``Modified Van Der Waals and Redtich-kwong Equation of State for Associating Fluids'', International Conference on Fluid and Thermal Energy Conversion, Indonesia , A, (1997).
  10. R.S.Mohamed, P.A.Pessôa Filho e A.P.Pires, ``Application of a New Equation of State for the Determination of Thermodynamic Properties of Alcohol/hydrocarbon Mixtures'', International Conference on Fluid and Thermal Energy Conversion, Indonesia , A, (1997).
  11. R.S.Mohamed, D.S.Giordani e M.G.Oliveira, ``Crystallization and Precipitation of Wax in Model Systems'', International Conference on Fluid and Thermal Energy Conversion, Indonesia , A, (1997).
  12. S.C.S.Rocha, O.P.Taranto e G.S.V.Raghavan, ``Spouted Bed Regimes Identification Through the Analysis of Bed Pressure - Drop Fluctuations'', First European Congress on Chemical Engineering, Italia , II, 1163-1166, (1997).
  13. S.C.S.Rocha e A.E.A.Paixão, ``Modeling and Parametric Study for a Pneumatic Dryer in Diluted Phase'', First European Congress on Chemical Engineering, Italia , II, 1079-1083, (1997).
  14. S.C.S.Rocha e A.C.C.Lima, ``Bean Drying in Fixed, Spouted and Spout-fluid Bed - Comparison and Empirical Modeling'', Inter American Drying Conference, Brasil , A, 165-171, (1997).
  15. S.C.S.Rocha e A.E.A.Paixão, ``Pneumatic Drying in Diluted Phase: Parametric Analysis of Design Variables'', Inter-American Drying Conference, Brasil , A, 226-233, (1997).

Fri Nov 13 11:22:52 BDB 1998