Departamento de Geociencias Aplicada ao Ensino

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. L.M.L.S.Velho, M.Figueirôa e R.Monteiro, ``Brazil, 1833: The Discovery of Photography Revisited'', XXth International Congress of the History of Science, Belgica , s/n, 270, (1997).
  2. M.M.Lopes, ``Latin American Museums: comparative studies and links'', XXth International Congress of History os Science, Belgica , s/n, 10-11, (1997).
  3. M.M.Lopes e M.Figueirôa, ``North and South American connections in the Sciences of the Museums (1870-1910)'', History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Estados Unidos , s/n, 11-12, (1997).

Thu Nov 19 14:40:34 BDB 1998