Departamento de Matemática

Artigos publicados em revistas de circulação internacional especializadas

  1. O.F.Lopes, ``Sufficient conditions for minima of some translation invariant functionals'', Differential Integral Equations. An International Journal for Theory and App, 10(2), 231-244, (1997).
  2. A.Rigas e L.M.Chaves, ``Eschenburg spaces and bundles over CP 2'', Matemática Contemporânea, 9, 41-51, (1997).
  3. Alencar e K.Floret, ``Weak-Strong continuity of multilinear mappings and the Pelczynski-Pitt theorem'', Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 206, 532-546, (1997).
  4. F.Mercuri, A.C.Asperti e M.H.Noronha, ``Cohomogeneity one manifolds and hypersurfaces of revolution'', Unione Matematica Italiana. Bollettino. B. Serie VII, 7, 199-215, (1997).
  5. V.Marenich e I.V.Guadalupe, ``Some Inequalities for immersed surfaces'', Portugaliae Mathematica, 54(2), 139-145, (1997).
  6. E.A.B e R.C.Bassanezi, ``On the Glowth of caiman crocodilus yacare: A cybernetical strategy for optimal farming'', Kybernetes. The International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics, 26(3), 304-315, (1997).
  7. M.A.Casarin Junior, ``Diagonal Edge Preconditioners in p-version and spectral element methods'', SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 31(2), 610-620, (1997).
  8. J.T.Mujica Ascui, ``Spaces of holomorphic mappings on Banach spaces with a Schauder basis'', Studia Mathematica, 122, 139-151, (1997).
  9. M.A.Teixeira, ``Generic bifurcation of reversible vector fields on a 2-dimensional manifold'', Publicacions Mathemàtiques, 41, 297-316, (1997).
  10. R.C.Bassanezi e H.E.Roman, ``On the multi-Valued Fuzzy Entropies'', Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 86, 169-177, (1997).
  11. R.C.Bassanezi, S.Reis, W.Godoy, C.Von Zuben e M.B.Leite, ``Diffusion model applied to postfeeding larval dispersion in Blowflies (Diptera: calliphoridae)'', Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 92(2), 281-286, (1997).
  12. A.Paques e M.Ferrero, ``Galois theory of commutative rings revisited'', Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie, 38(2), 399-410, (1997).
  13. J.T.Mujica Ascui e D.Garcia, ``Quasi-normate preduals of spaces of holomorphic functions'', Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 208, 171-180, (1997).
  14. A.J.F.Neves, ``A Second order ODE with discontinuous coefficientes'', Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 3, 385-394, (1997).
  15. M.A.Teixeira e J.Llibre, ``Regularization of discontinuous vector fields in dimension 3'', Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 3(2), 235-241, (1997).
  16. J.M.Martínez e S.A.Santos, ``Convergence results on an algorithm for norm constrained regularization and related problems'', RAIRO Operations Research, 31(3), 269-294, (1997).
  17. J.L.Boldrini, R.C.Bassanezi, A.C.Moretti, C.J.Von Zuben e S.F.dos Reis, ``Non-Local Interactions and the Dynamics of Dispersal in Immature Insects'', Journal of Theoretical Biology, 185, 523-531, (1997).
  18. M.A.Teixeira e A.Jaquemad, ``On the doubling periodic reversible cusps in 3 D'', Resenhas do Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo, 3(2), 297-316, (1997).
  19. V.Marenich, ``Geodesic in Heisemberg groups'', Geometriae Dedicata, 66, 175-185, (1997).
  20. F.Mercuri, J.L.Barbosa e R.Fukuoka, ``Hypersuperficies of finite geometric type'', Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 69(1), 1-3, (1997).
  21. E.Q.F.Rezende, R.C.Bassanezi e R.A.Bacci, ``Semi-Groups generated by k-limits'', Proyecciones. Revista de Matemática, 16(1), 67-82, (1997).
  22. R.N.da Cruz, ``On Codimension one and two splitting'', Topology and its Applications, 75, 105-111, (1997).
  23. P.T.Kan, M.Martins dos Santos e Z.Xin, ``Initial Boundary Value Problem for Conservation Laws'', Communications in Mathematical Physics, 186(3), 701-730, (1997).
  24. H.J.N.Lopes, ``A refined estimate of the size of concentration sets for 2D incompressible inviscid flow'', Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 46(1), 165-182, (1997).
  25. A.Biagioni e F.Linares, ``On the Benney-Lin and Kawahara equations'', Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 211, 131-152, (1997).
  26. M.A.Teixeira, ``Singularities of reversible vector fields'', Physica D, 100, 101-118, (1997).
  27. P.R.C.Ruffino, ``Rotation Numbers for Stochastic Dynamical Systems'', Stochastics and Stochastics Reports, 60, 289-318, (1997).
  28. O.F.Lopes, ``Variational problem in the Exterior Domain'', Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 5(5), 435-462, (1997).
  29. J.L.Boldrini, R.C.Bassanezi, A.C.Moretti, F.J.Von Zuben, W.A.C.Godoy e C.J.Von Zuben, ``Non-local interactions and the dynamics of dispersal in immature insects'', Journal of Theoretical Biology, 185, 523-531, (1997).
  30. A.J.Engler, ``Totally real rigid elements and f (indice) pi -Henselian valuation rings'', Communications in Algebra, 25(11), 3673-3697, (1997).
  31. V.Bonfim e A.J.F.Neves, ``A one dimensional heat equation with mixed boundary conditions'', Journal of Differential Equations, 139(2), 319-338, (1997).
  32. C.Gutierrez, I.V.Guadalupe, R.Tribuzy e V.Guinez, ``Lines of curvature on surfaces immersed in R 4'', Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática. Nova Série, 28(2), 233-251, (1997).
  33. P.E.Kochloukov, ``Weak polynomial identities for the matrix algebra of order two'', Journal of Algebra, 188, 610-625, (1997).
  34. D.N.Kozakevich, J.M.Martínez e S.A.Santos, ``Solving nonlinear systems of equations with simple constraints'', Computational and Applied Mathematics, 16(3), 215-235, (1997).
  35. M.A.Casarin Junior, ``Quasi-optimal Schwarz methods for the conforming spectral element discretization'', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 34(6), 2482-2502, (1997).
  36. J.T.Mujica Ascui, ``Separable quotients of Banach spaces'', Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 10(2), 299-330, (1997).

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