Departamento de Matemática

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. H.Román-Flores, M.A.Rojas Medar e R.C.Bassanezi, ``On the compactness and separability of E(X)'', IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 6o, Espanha , 1, 35-39, (1997).
  2. H.Román-Flores, A.Flores-Franulic, M.A.Rojas Medar e R.C.Bassanezi, ``A new class of fuzzy entropies'', Proceedings of Int. Fuzzy Systems Association Congress (IFSA'97), Republica Tcheca , 6, 29-37, (1997).
  3. A.Flores-Franulic, H.Román-Flores, M.A.Rojas Medar e R.C.Bassanezi, ``Algunos aspectos sobre medida e integración fuzzy'', Congreso de Matemática Capricôrnio, 7o, Chile , 1, 59, (1997).
  4. M.A.Rojas Medar, R.C.Bassanezi, A.Flores-Franulic e H.Román-Flores, ``Sobre la funcional soporte de un conjunto fuzzy'', Congreso de Matemática Capricôrnio, 7o, Chile , 1, 60, (1997).
  5. H.Román-Flores, A.Flores-Franulic, M.A.Rojas Medar e R.C.Bassanezi, ``Convergencias multívocas de conjuntos fuzzy'', Congreso de Matemática Capricôrnio, 7o, Chile , 1, 61, (1997).
  6. H.M.Yang, M.B.F.Leite e R.C.Bassanezi, ``From the Beginning to the Establishment of Epidemics: A Model with Non-bilinear Incidence Rate'', Congreso Internacional de Biomatemática, 8o, Panama , 1, 386, (1997).
  7. S.M.Raimundo, H.M.Yang, R.C.Bassanezi e M.A.C.Ferreira, ``AIDS and Tuberculosis: Case Study Among Women Inmates'', Congreso Internacional de Biomatemática, 8o, Panama , 1, 387, (1997).
  8. H.M.Yang, M.B.F.Leite e R.C.Bassanezi, ``The Criterion for The Basic Reproduction Ratio'', Int. Conf. on Deterministic ans Stoch. Modelling of Biointeraction, Bulgaria , 1, 64, (1997).
  9. A.Friedlander, Z.Dostál e S.A.Santos, ``Augmented Lagrangians with Adaptive precision Control for Quadratic Programming with Simple Bounds and Equality Constraints. I.Theory'', 16th. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Suica , 1, 239, (1997).
  10. A.Friedlander, Z.Dostál e S.A.Santos, ``Augmented Lagrangians with adaptive precision control for quadratic programming with simple bounds and equality constraints. II Applications'', 16th. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Suica , 1, 99, (1997).

Thu Nov 19 14:40:34 BDB 1998