Departamento de Matemática

Relatórios de pesquisa

  1. E.Sebastiani Ferreira, ``História da Tangente. RP 09/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  2. X.Mo e C.J.C.Negreiros, ``Harmonic Sequences of Harmonic 2-Spheres in Grassmann Manifolds. RP. 12/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  3. M.A.Teixeira, ``Open Problems on Regularization of Discontinuos Fields. RP 13/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  4. M.A.Diniz Ehrhardt, M.A.Gomes Ruggiero e S.A.Santos, ``Comparing the Numerical Performance of Two Trust-Region Algorithms for Large-Scale Bound-Constrained Minimization. R.P. 03/97 - IMECC-UNICAMP, (1997)'', (1997).
  5. Z.Dostál, A.Friedlander e S.A.Santos, ``Solution of contact problems using subroutine BOX-QUACAN. R.P. 31/97 - IMECC-UNICAMP, (1997)'', (1997).
  6. V.B.Marenitch, ``Riemannian Submersions of Open Manifolds which are Flat at Infinity. RP 02/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  7. J.C.R.Medrado e M.A.Teixeira, ``Symmetric Singularities of Reversible Vector Fields in Dimension Three. RP 05/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  8. R.N.da Cruz, ``Pontrjagin Classes and the Homology of an Orientable Manifold. RP 18/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  9. M.A.Teixeira, ``Generic Bifurcation of Reversible Vector Fields on a 2-Dimensional Manifold. RP 22/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  10. C.J.C.Negreiros, ``Sobre o Cálculo dos Índices de Ramificações. RP 25/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  11. L.A.B.San Martin, ``Homogeneous Spaces Admitting Transitive Semigroups. RP 26/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  12. S.A.L.Pizarro e P.Ubilla, ``On a Generalized Mean Curvature Problem. RP 30/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  13. R.N.da Cruz, ``On Global Extrema for Calculus and Analysis Students. RP 33/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  14. R.N.da Cruz, ``Integrality Results for Pontrjagin Classes and the Homology of Manifolds'', (1997).
  15. E.Sebastiani Ferreira, ``Um Processo de Newton para Encontrar a Tangente a uma Cônica. RP 41/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  16. L.A.B.San Martin, ``Order and Domains of Attraction of Control Sets in Flag Manifolds. RP 47/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  17. L.Boccardo e Figueiredo, ``Some Remarks on a System of Quasilinear Elliptic Equations. RP 51/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  18. D.Leão Jr, M.D.Fragoso e P.R.C.Ruffino, ``Characterizations of Radon Spaces. RP 52/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  19. C.Gutierrez, I.V.Guadalupe, R.Tribuzy e V.Guinez, ``Lines of Curvature on Surfaces Immersed In R4. RP 56/97 - IMECC'', (1997).
  20. V.L.X.Figueiredo e S.A.Santos, ``Relato de Experiência - O Computador no Ensino de Cálculo: O Problema do Lixo na Unicamp e Outras Aplicações. RP 11/97 - IMECC-UNICAMP'', (1997).
  21. S.A.L.Pizarro e P.Ubilla, ``On a Generalized Mean Curvature Problem. RP 30/97 - IMECC - UNICAMP'', (1997).

Thu Nov 19 14:40:34 BDB 1998