Artigos publicados em revistas de circulação internacional especializadas

  1. W.A.Rodrigues Jr e J.Vaz Jr, ``Subluminal and superluminal solutions in vacuum of Maxwell and the Massless dirac equation'', Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 7(Supl.), 457-466, (1997).
  2. J.D.W.Schleicher, P.Hubral, M.Tygel e M.S.Jaya, ``Minimum apertures and fresnel zones in migration and demigration'', Geophysics, 62(1), 183-194, (1997).
  3. J.D.W.Schleicher, P.Hubral e M.Tygel, ``Minimum apertures and Fresnel zones in migration and demigration'', Geophysics, 62(1), 183-194, (1997).
  4. J.L.Boldrini e M.I.da S.Costa, ``Chemotherapeutic treatments with time increasing mutation rate to drug resistance'', Journal of Biological Systems, 5(1), 49-62, (1997).
  5. J.N.Hoffmann e P.Pulino, ``Improving the Charge Simulation Method for the Computation of High Voltage Eletric Fields with Efficient Least Squares Techniques'', Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 12(1), 97-102, (1997).
  6. D.V.Gal'tsov e P.A.Letelier, ``Ehlers-Harrison Transformations and Black Holes in Dilaton-Axion Gravity with Multiple Vector Fields'', Physical Review D, 55, 1-13, (1997).
  7. W.A.Rodrigues Jr e J.Vaz Jr, ``Maxwell and Dirac theories as already unified theory'', Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 7(Supl.), 369-397, (1997).
  8. V.Buonomano, A.J.R.Madureira e L.C.B.Ryff, ``A Non-Static Test of Local Realistic Theories in a Variation of Franson's Experiment'', Physics Letters: A, 215(5-6), 234-238, (1997).
  9. W.A.Rodrigues Jr e J.Lu, ``On the Existence of undistorted progressive waves (UPWs) of arbitrary speeds O<v</infinity in nature'', Foundations of Physics, 27(3), 435-508, (1997).
  10. R.L.Monaco e W.A.Rodrigues Jr, ``The exact Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule. (RP 21/95, UNICAMP-IMECC, 1995)'', Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, 5(2), 197-202, (1997).
  11. J.M.Martínez e A.C.Moretti, ``A trust region method for minimization of nonsmooth functions with linear constraints'', Mathematical Programming, 76(3), 431-450, (1997).
  12. J.M.Martínez e S.A.Santos, ``Convergence results on an algorithm for norm constrained regularization and related problems'', RAIRO Operations Research, 31(3), 269-294, (1997).
  13. W.A.Rodrigues Jr e S.De Leo, ``Quantum Mechanics from complex to complexified Quaternions'', International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 36(12), 2725-2757, (1997).
  14. J.M.Martínez e A.C.Moretti, ``A Trust Region Method for Minimization of Nonsmooth Functions with Linear Constraints'', Mathematical Programming, 76(3), 431-450, (1997).
  15. J.L.Boldrini, R.C.Bassanezi, A.C.Moretti, C.J.Von Zuben e S.F.dos Reis, ``Non-Local Interactions and the Dynamics of Dispersal in Immature Insects'', Journal of Theoretical Biology, 185, 523-531, (1997).
  16. E.Barnes e A.C.Moretti, ``A New Characterization of the Center of a Polytope'', Computational and Applied Mathematics, 16(3), 35-65, (1997).
  17. L.T.dos Santos, J.D.W.Schleicher e M.Tygel, ``2.5D True-Amplitude Offset Continuation'', Journal of Seismic Exploration, 6, 103-116, (1997).
  18. J.L.Martins, J.D.W.Schleicher, M.Tygel e L.T.dos Santos, ``2.5D True-Amplitude Migration and Demigration'', Journal of Seismic Exploration, 6, 159-180, (1997).
  19. W.M.Vieira e P.A.Letelier, ``On the Integrability of Halo Dipoles in Gravity'', Physical Review A, 228, 22-24, (1997).
  20. C.Perin Filho, F.A.S.Marins, L.F.Senne, K.Darby-Dowuran e A.F.Machado, ``Algorithms for Network piecewise-linear programs: A comparative study'', European Journal of Operational Research, 97, 183-199, (1997).
  21. N.Cohen e I.Lewkowicz, ``Convex invertible cones and the Lyapunov equation'', Linear Algebra and its Applications, 250, 105-131, (1997).
  22. O.Andrews e O.Santos, ``Rogers-Ramanujan Type Identities for Partitions with Attached Odd Parts'', Ramanujan Journal (The), 1, 91-99, (1997).
  23. W.A.Rodrigues Jr e J.Lu, ``On the Existence of Undistorted Progressive Waves (UPWs) of Arbitrary Speeds 0 menor igual /nu < infty in Nature'', Foundations of Physics, 27, 435-508, (1997).
  24. W.A.Rodrigues Jr e J.Vaz Jr, ``Subluminal and Superluminal Solutions in Vacuum of Maxwell and the Massless Dirac Equation'', Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 7, 453-462, (1997).
  25. J.Vaz Jr, ``Clifford-like Calculus over Lattices'', Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 7, 37-70, (1997).
  26. J.Vaz Jr e W.A.Rodrigues Jr, ``Subluminal and Superluminal Solutions in Vacuum of the Free Maxwell Equations and the Massless Dirac Equation'', Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 7S, 453-462, (1997).
  27. M.I.da S.Costa e J.L.Boldrini, ``Chemotherapeutic treatment: a study of the interplay among drug resistance, toxicity and recuperation from side effects'', Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 59(2), 205-232, (1997).
  28. D.V.Gal'tsov e P.A.Letelier, ``Interpollating Black Holes in Dilaton-Axion Gravity'', Classical Quantum Gravity, 14, 11-14, (1997).
  29. P.A.Letelier e W.M.Vieira, ``Chaos in Black Holes Surrounded by Gravitational Waves'', Classical Quantum Gravity, 14, 1249-1254, (1997).
  30. E.Capelas de Oliveira e D.Gomes, ``The Generating Function for E(/rho) Polynomials'', Algebras, Groups and Geometries, 14(49), 170-190, (1997).
  31. E.Capelas de Oliveira e E.A.N.Cuello, ``Dirac Wave Equation in the de Sitter Universe'', International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 36(5), 1231-1247, (1997).
  32. M.A.Rojas Medar e J.L.Boldrini, ``Global strong solutions of equations of magneto-hydrodynamic type'', Australian Mathematical Society. Journal Series B, 38, 291-306, Serie: B, (1997).
  33. W.A.Rodrigues Jr e J.Vaz Jr, ``Maxwell and Dirac Theories an Already Unified Theory'', Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 7, 369-386, (1997).
  34. W.A.Rodrigues Jr e R.L.Monaco, ``The Exact Bohr-Sommerfeld Quantization Rule'', Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, 5, 197-202, (1997).
  35. M.A.da L.Novais, L.T.dos Santos, M.Tygel e B.Ursin, ``A Unified Born-Kirchhoff Approximation for Acoustic Media'', Journal of Seismic Exploration, 6, 213-217, (1997).
  36. M.C.Cunha e S.M.Gomes, ``A shock indicator for adaptive schemes for conservation laws'', SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 12(12), 205-214, (1997).
  37. W.A.Rodrigues Jr e T.Matolcsi, ``Spacetime Model with Superluminal Phenomena'', Algebras, Groups and Geometries, 15, 1-15, (1997).
  38. J.F.Meyer e G.L.Diniz, ``Changes of Habitat of Fish Populations: A Mathematical Model'', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 28(4), 519-529, (1997).
  39. I.Chambouleyron, J.M.Martínez, A.C.Moretti e M.Mulato, ``The Retrieval of the Optical Constants and the Thickness of Thin Films from Transmission Spectra'', Applied Optics, 36, 8238-8247, (1997).
  40. J.L.Boldrini, R.C.Bassanezi, A.C.Moretti, F.J.Von Zuben, W.A.C.Godoy e C.J.Von Zuben, ``Non-local interactions and the dynamics of dispersal in immature insects'', Journal of Theoretical Biology, 185, 523-531, (1997).
  41. N.Cohen e L.Naimark, ``H/infty controller design for pure delay systems'', International Journal of Control, 67(3), 355-369, (1997).
  42. M.A.Rojas Medar e J.L.Boldrini, ``Global strong solutions of magnetohydrodynamic type'', Australian Mathematical Society. Journal Series B, 38, 291-306, (1997).
  43. N.Cohen, I.Lewkowicz e L.Rodman, ``Robust stability of triangular inclusion systems'', Systems & Control Letters, 30, 159-164, (1997).
  44. J.D.W.Schleicher, P.Hubral, G.Hoecht e F.Liptow, ``Seismic constant-velocity remigration'', Geophysics, 62(2), 589-597, (1997).
  45. A.K.Kushpel, S.M.Gomes, J.Levesley e D.L.Ragozin, ``sk-spline Interpolants with Number Theoretical Knods'', Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 3, 1-19, (1997).
  46. A.K.Kushpel, J.Levesley e K.Tas, ``epsilon Entropy of Sobolev's Classes on Sd'', Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4, 1-13, (1997).
  47. A.K.Kushpel e J.Levesley, ``Harmonic Analysis and Approximation Theory on Sd'', Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 16, 1-20, (1997).
  48. A.K.Kushpel e J.Levesley, ``On the norm of the Jacobi-Fourier projection'', Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 18, 1-14, (1997).
  49. D.N.Kozakevich, J.M.Martínez e S.A.Santos, ``Solving nonlinear systems of equations with simple constraints'', Computational and Applied Mathematics, 16(3), 215-235, (1997).

Thu Nov 19 14:40:34 BDB 1998