Departamento de Matemática Aplicada

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. M.Tygel, J.D.W.Schleicher e P.Hubral, ``Some geometrical relationships underlying seismic imaging integrals'', Latinamerican Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Italia , 1, 238-240, (1997).
  2. C.Bagaini e J.D.W.Schleicher, ``Controlling Amplitudes in Shot Record DMO and MZO'', Workshop on Amplitude-Preserving Seismic Reflection Imaging, Alemanha , 1, 23, (1997).
  3. J.L.Martins, J.D.W.Schleicher e M.Tygel, ``2.5-D True-amplitude migration and demigration'', Karlsruhe Workshop on Amplitude-Preserving Seismic Reflection Imaging, Alemanha , 1, 30, (1997).
  4. J.L.Martins, J.D.W.Schleicher e M.Tygel, ``2.5-D True-amplitude migration and demigration'', 5th. Inter. Congress, Braz. Geophys. Soc. Expanded, Brasil , 1, 119-120, (1997).
  5. A.S.Oliveira, M.Tygel e E.Filpo, ``On the application of true-amplitude DMO'', Karlsruhe Workshop on Amplitude-Preserving Seismic Refl. Imaging, Alemanha , 1, 49-50, (1997).
  6. H.Román-Flores, M.A.Rojas Medar e R.C.Bassanezi, ``On the compactness and separability of E(X)'', IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 6o, Espanha , 1, 35-39, (1997).
  7. M.A.Rojas Medar, A.J.V.Brandão e G.Nunes-Silva, ``Sufficient conditions of optimality for nonsmooth continuous time optimization problems'', International Symposium on Mathematical Programing, 16o. - EPFL, Suica , 1, 12-25, (1997).
  8. L.T.dos Santos, J.D.W.Schleicher, M.Tygel e P.Hubral, ``Modelling by Demigration'', 67th. Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Estados Unidos , 1, 1909-1912, (1997).
  9. C.Perin Filho, ``An Interior Point Approach to Piecewise Linear Programs'', Joint International Meeting Euro-Informs, Espanha , 1, 151, (1997).
  10. N.Cohen, ``Iterative methods involving projections in Hilbert space'', Conference in Operator Theory in Honor of Moshe Livsic, Israel , 1, 45-50, (1997).
  11. M.C.Cunha, J.E.Bonet e F.Corrêa, ``Computation of WAG process and experimental verification of the fractional flow hysteresis in porous media'', SPE 39035 - Fifth Latin American and Caribean Pet. Engineering Conf, Brasil , 1, 40-42, (1997).
  12. H.Román-Flores, A.Flores-Franulic, M.A.Rojas Medar e R.C.Bassanezi, ``A new class of fuzzy entropies'', Proceedings of Int. Fuzzy Systems Association Congress (IFSA'97), Republica Tcheca , 6, 29-37, (1997).
  13. A.J.V.Brandão e M.A.Rojas Medar, ``Nonsmooth nonconvex alternative theorem and applications'', Congreso de Matemática Capricôrnio, 7o, Chile , 1, 120-122, (1997).
  14. M.A.Rojas Medar, ``On the existence of fractional time-derivative of some partial differential equations'', Congreso de Matemática Capricôrnio, 7o, Chile , 1, 13, (1997).
  15. A.Flores-Franulic, H.Román-Flores, M.A.Rojas Medar e R.C.Bassanezi, ``Algunos aspectos sobre medida e integración fuzzy'', Congreso de Matemática Capricôrnio, 7o, Chile , 1, 59, (1997).
  16. M.A.Rojas Medar, R.C.Bassanezi, A.Flores-Franulic e H.Román-Flores, ``Sobre la funcional soporte de un conjunto fuzzy'', Congreso de Matemática Capricôrnio, 7o, Chile , 1, 60, (1997).
  17. H.Román-Flores, A.Flores-Franulic, M.A.Rojas Medar e R.C.Bassanezi, ``Convergencias multívocas de conjuntos fuzzy'', Congreso de Matemática Capricôrnio, 7o, Chile , 1, 61, (1997).
  18. H.M.Yang, M.B.F.Leite e R.C.Bassanezi, ``From the Beginning to the Establishment of Epidemics: A Model with Non-bilinear Incidence Rate'', Congreso Internacional de Biomatemática, 8o, Panama , 1, 386, (1997).
  19. S.M.Raimundo, H.M.Yang, R.C.Bassanezi e M.A.C.Ferreira, ``AIDS and Tuberculosis: Case Study Among Women Inmates'', Congreso Internacional de Biomatemática, 8o, Panama , 1, 387, (1997).
  20. M.Y.Alvarenga, K.Sameshima, L.A.Baccalá e H.M.Yang, ``The Analysis of Electroscilogram Signais Originated from Cortex of Rat'', Int. Conf. On Deterministic and Stochastic Model. of Biointeraction, Bulgaria , 1, 88, (1997).
  21. S.Barrozo e H.M.Yang, ``The Acquired Immunity in a Schistosomiasis Stochastic Modeling'', Int. Conf. on Deterministic and Stochastic Mod. of Biointeraction, Bulgaria , 1, 51-52, (1997).
  22. C.H.Dezotti e H.M.Yang, ``Directly Transmitted Infections with the Age-Structure Contact Pattern'', Int. Conf. on Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling of Biointeraction, Bulgaria , 1, 60, (1997).
  23. H.M.Yang, M.B.F.Leite e R.C.Bassanezi, ``The Criterion for The Basic Reproduction Ratio'', Int. Conf. on Deterministic ans Stoch. Modelling of Biointeraction, Bulgaria , 1, 64, (1997).
  24. A.Friedlander, Z.Dostál e S.A.Santos, ``Augmented Lagrangians with Adaptive precision Control for Quadratic Programming with Simple Bounds and Equality Constraints. I.Theory'', 16th. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Suica , 1, 239, (1997).
  25. A.Friedlander, ``Solution of Contact Problems Using Minimization with Simple Bounds'', Conference on Applied Mathematics, XII - Prim'97, Iugoslavia , 1, 40-55, (1997).
  26. M.A.da L.Novais, M.Tygel e L.T.dos Santos, ``Comparing Kirchhoff and Born Approximations for Acoustic Media'', Karlsruhe Workshop on Amplitude-Preserving Seismic Refl. Imaging, Alemanha , 1, 31, (1997).
  27. L.T.dos Santos, J.D.W.Schleicher e M.Tygel, ``2.5D True-Amplitude Offset Continuation'', Karlsruhe Workshop on Amplitude-Preserving Seismic Ref. Imaging, Alemanha , 1, 20, (1997).
  28. V.L.da R.Lopes, J.M.Martínez e R.P.Mera, ``On The Local Convergence of Quasi-Newton Methods for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems'', 16th. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Suica , 1, 213, (1997).
  29. W.C.Ferreira Jr, ``Cellular Automata Simulations of Insect Dispersal'', Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling of Biological Systems,Destobio, Bulgaria , 1, 40-45, (1997).
  30. D.C.Mistro e W.C.Ferreira Jr, ``Um Modelo para a Dispersão de Abelhas Africanizadas no Brasil: um zoom Matemático'', Congreso Internacional de Biomatemática, 8o, Panama , 1, 50-55, (1997).
  31. L.A.D.Rodrigues e W.C.Ferreira Jr, ``Um Modelo para Dinâmica Populacional de Insetos Herbívoros'', Congreso Internacional de Biomatemática, 8o, Panama , 1, 60-65, (1997).
  32. A.Friedlander, Z.Dostál e S.A.Santos, ``Augmented Lagrangians with adaptive precision control for quadratic programming with simple bounds and equality constraints. II Applications'', 16th. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Suica , 1, 99, (1997).
  33. V.L.da R.Lopes, J.M.Martínez e R.P.Mera, ``On The Local Convergence of Quasi-Newton Methods for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems'', Panamerican Workshop of Computational and Applied Mathematics, II, Brasil , 1, 81-82, (1997).
  34. N.Cohen, ``Magnitude retrieval from phase'', Panamerican Workshop of Computational and Applied Mathematics, II, Brasil , 1, 550-552, (1997).
  35. N.Cohen, ``Stability of triangular matrix inclusion systems'', Panamerican Workshop of Computational and Applied Mathematics, II, Brasil , 1, 556-558, (1997).
  36. N.Cohen, ``Spherical convergence of projection methods'', Panamerican Workshop of Computational and Applied Mathematics, II, Brasil , 1, 558-560, (1997).
  37. E.Capelas de Oliveira, E.A.N.Cuello e M.Fernández, ``Sobre las Ecuaciones de Dirac y Klein-Gordon Generalizadas'', Encuentro de Fisica Regional Norte, VII - III R. Int. Andina de Fisica, Chile , 1, 40-55, (1997).
  38. L.T.dos Santos, J.D.W.Schleicher e M.Tygel, ``Modeling by Demigration'', Fifth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophisical Society, Brasil , 1, 121-122, (1997).
  39. M.A.da L.Novais, L.T.dos Santos, M.Tygel e B.Ursin, ``A Unified Born-Kirchhoff Representation for Acoustic Media'', Fifth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Brasil , 1, 133-134, (1997).
  40. P.A.Letelier, ``Chaos and Rotating Black Holes with Halos'', Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos, XVIII, Brasil , 1, 47-58, (1997).
  41. Oliveira, M.E.Araujo e P.A.Letelier, ``Colisão frontal de dois buracos negros de Keer e radiação gravitacional'', Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos, XVIII, Brasil , 1, 59, (1997).
  42. M.Tygel, T.Muller, P.Hubral e J.D.W.Schleicher, ``Eigenwave based mulyiparameter traveline expansions'', Sixty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Society of Exp. Geophysicists, Estados Unidos , 2, 1770-1773, (1997).

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