Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. N.L.Garcia, ``Continuous Unboudend One Dimensional Loss Network'', Conferência em Processos Estocásticos, 24*, Chile , 1, 34, (1997).
  2. F.Marques e L.L.Baia, ``The Generalized Estimating Equations: A Practical Situation'', 51st Session of the International Statistical Institute, Turquia , 1, 87-89, (1997).
  3. L.K.Hotta e R.S.Tsay, ``Modelling and Testing Outliers in Garch Models'', 51st Session of the International Statistical Institute, Turquia , 1, 7-8, (1997).
  4. C.Y.Wada e S.Shimakura, ``The Sarkar Bivariate Exponential Model in Accelerated Life Tests With Competing Risk Data'', 51st Session of the International Institute, Turquia , 1, 441-442, (1997).
  5. A.C.G.V.Lazo e M.V.T.Cremonesi, ``Marriage Duration in Brazil: A Proportional Hazards Analysis of Separation and Divorce'', 51st Session of the International Institute, Turquia , 1, 553-554, (1997).

Thu Nov 19 14:40:34 BDB 1998