Secretaria dos Departamentos

Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. M.C.C.Baranauskas e M.A.F.Borges, ``A User-Centered Approach to the Design of an Expert System'', Eighth International PEG Conference-PEG97, Bulgaria , 74-81, (1997).
  2. M.C.C.Baranauskas e M.A.F.Borges, ``The User as a Partner in the Design of an Interface for a Training System'', Human-Computer Interaction in Educational Technology- HCI-ET97, Bulgaria , 1, 25-31, (1997).
  3. N.M.S.Zuquello e E.R.M.Madeira, ``A mechanism to provide interoperability between ORBs with relocation transparency'', Third Int.Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized, Alemanha , 1, 195-203, (1997).
  4. Nascimento e M.H.Dunham, ``A Proposal for Indexing Bitemporal Databases Via Cooperative B+ -tress'', I Int. Data Engeneering and Application Symposium, Canada , 1, 349-358, (1997).
  5. M.C.C.Baranauskas, M.A.F.Borges e E.L.Borges, ``Learning by Creating Models: A Computer-Based Environment for Industrial Application'', AIED'97 Artificial Intelligence in Education, Japao , 1, 426-433, (1997).
  6. Oliveira e C.M.B.Medeiros, ``Active Customization of GIS User Interfaces'', IEEE Int.Data Engineering Conference, Estados Unidos , 1, 487-497, (1997).
  7. J.Stolfi, J.C.Setubal, B.V.Cherkassky, A.V.Goldberg e P.Martin, ``Augment or Push? A Computational Study of Bipartite Matching and Unit Capacity Maximum Flow Algorithms'', WAE'97 - Workshop on Algorithm Engineering, Italia , 1, 1-10, (1997).
  8. J.Ferreira, N.L.S.da Fonseca e G.Mayor, ``On the Effectiveness of Loss - Conserving Disciplines under a Long-range Dependent Process'', IEEE Global Telecomunications Conference, Estados Unidos , 1, 1102-1108, (1997).
  9. C.M.dos S.Reis, F.Schaffa e N.L.S.da Fonseca, ``Comparing Network Desing for the Provision of Distributed Home Theatre Services'', IEEE Global Telecomunication Conference, Estados Unidos , 1, 481-487, (1997).
  10. M.C.C.Baranauskas e M.A.F.Borges, ``Jonas-The Jonah Agent in a Computer in a Computer-Based Learning Sustem'', IFIP 97-Inf.Tech.for Comp.Exp.and Demands for Education and Training, Brasil , 1, 1-10, (1997).
  11. Queiroz e E.R.M.Madeira, ``Management of Corba objects monitoring for the Multiware Platform'', IFIP Int.Conf.on Open Distributed Processing and Distributed Platform, Canada , 1, 122-134, (1997).
  12. Queiroz e E.R.M.Madeira, ``Management of Corba objects monitoring for the multiware Platform'', IFIP Int.Conf.on Open Distr.Proc.and Distributed Platform, Canada , 1, 122-134, (1997).
  13. J.Cohen e C.L.Lucchesi, ``Minimax relations for T-join packing problems'', Fifth Israeli Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems, Israel , 1, 38-44, (1997).
  14. Meneses e Souza, ``Minimizing the Length of Retangular Partitions: an Integer Programming Approach'', XVI Int.Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Suica , 1, 73, (1997).
  15. Z.Dias, M.E.M.T.Walter e J.Meidanis, ``Transposition distance between a permutation and its reverse'', South American Workshop on String Processing - WSP, Chile , 1, 70-80, (1997).
  16. E.M.Macambira e Souza, ``Exact Solutions for the Maximum Edge-Weighted Cliaque Problem'', XVI International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Suica , 1, 74, (1997).
  17. A.P.Nunes e Souza, ``Integer Programming Models for Minimim-Weigth Triangulations'', XVI International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Suica , 1, 73, (1997).
  18. N.L.S.da Fonseca e J.A.Silvester, ``Modelling the Output Process of an ATM Multiplexer with Correlated Priorities'', IEEE Int.Conference on Communications 1997, Canada , 1, 816-821, (1997).
  19. C.M.dos S.Reis, F.Schaffa e N.L.S.da Fonseca, ``Network Design for the Provission of Distributed Home Theatre'', IEEE Int. Conference on Communications 1997, Canada , 1, 534-540, (1997).
  20. J.S.Mazzone, J.A.Valente e M.C.C.Baranauskas, ``Revitalizing Training and Learning in Industries in Brazil'', IFIP97 Inf.Tech.for Compectiveness Exp.and Demands for Educ.And Train, Brasil , 1, 1-10, (1997).
  21. G.C.Magalhães, ``Telecomunications Outside Plant Management Throughout Brazil'', Int.Conf.on Automating Mapping/Facility Management, Estados Unidos , xx, 385-393, (1997).
  22. Nascimento e K.X.S.Souza, ``Using JAVA to Implement Agents in Artificial Ecosystems'', I European Conf.on Information Technology in Agriculture, Dinamarca , 1, 57-63, (1997).

Thu Nov 19 14:40:34 BDB 1998