Departamento de Química Analítica

Resumos publicados em anais de simpósios internacionais

  1. F.Augusto e A.L.Pires Valente, ``Enhanced sensitivity and selectivity of a gas chromatographic - microwave induced helium plasma atomic emission detection system (GC-MIP) at the 685.6 nm fluorine emission line'', 19th. Int. Symposium on Capillary Chromatographic and Electrophoresis, s/n, 300, (1997).
  2. L.Montero, F.Augusto, A.C.Lemes e A.L.Pires Valente, ``Influence of the optical configuration upon the signals generated by a microwave induced plasma detector'', 19th Int. Symp. on Capillary Chromatographic, s/n, 294, (1997).
  3. E.C.Rocha, F.Augusto e A.L.Pires Valente, ``Membrane extraction with a sorbent interface (MESI): an efficient and fast method of clean-up of the hollow silicone membrane'', 19th Int. Symp. on Capillary Chromatographic and Electrophoresis, s/n, 678, (1997).

Thu Nov 19 14:40:34 BDB 1998