Departamento de Química Inorgânica

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. C.L.Cesar, L.C.Barbosa, V.C.S.Reynoso, A.M.Paula, C.R.M.Oliveira, O.L.Alves, A.F.Craievich, R.E.M.Priero e C.H.Brito Cruz, ``Semiconductor quantum dots in glasses: growth, lineear and nonlinear optical properties'', Symposium on Defect Dependent Processes in Insulators and Semiconducto, Brasil , (1997).
  2. W.A.Carvalho, M.Wallau e U.Schuchardt, ``Mesoporose. Ubergangsmetallhltige Molekularsiebe als Katalysatoren fur die Oxidation von Cyclohexan'', Anais do Hauptversammlung der GDCh, 165, (1997).
  3. M.K.Morigaki, L.C.Machado, C.Larica, A.Biondi e G.H.M.Dias, ``Moessbauer study of bimetallic (Fe-Hg) mixed carbonyl-isocyanide compounds'', ICAME - First Intern. Conf. on the Applic.of Moessbauer Effect, Brasil , (1997).
  4. C.N.Polo da Fonseca e M.A.De Paoli, ``Polyaniline as active material in a solid-state electrochemical capacitor'', 48th Annual Meeting International Electrochemical Society, Franca , (1997).
  5. M.A.De Paoli, E.Girotto, S.Neves das, W.A.Gazotti Jr e L.Micaroni, ``Tailoring the optical properties of conductive polymers by electrochemical synthesis'', 48th Annual Meeting International Electrochemical Society, Franca , (1997).
  6. D.J.Maia, S.Neves das, O.L.Alves e M.A.De Paoli, ``Photoelectrochemical measurements of polyaniline growth in a layered material'', 48th Meeting International Electrochemical Society, Franca , (1997).
  7. W.A.Gazotti Jr, G.Casalbore-Miceli, A.Geri e M.A.De Paoli, ``Dispositivo elettrocromico allo stato solido basato sull'uso di due polmeri conduttori drogati-p'', Giornate dell'Elettrochimica Italiana, Italia , (1997).
  8. S.das Neves, C.N.P.da Fonseca e M.A.De Paoli, ``Study of the photoelectrochemical effect in polyaniline by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy'', 2nd Intern. Workshop on Electrochem. of Electroative Polymer Films, Franca , (1997).
  9. E.M.Girotto e M.A.De Paoli, ``Electrochromism of polypyrrole electrochemically polymerized in the presence of sodium dodecylsulfate and indigo carmine'', 2nd Internat. Workshop on Electrochem. of Electroactive Polymer Films, Franca , (1997).
  10. W.A.Gazotti, S.Mitzakoff, G.Casalbore-Miceli e M.A.De Paoli, ``Conductive polymer blends as electrochromic materials'', 2nd Internat. Workshop on Electrochem. of Electroactive Polymer Films, Franca , (1997).
  11. E.L.Pires, M.Wallau e U.Schuchardt, ``Selective Oxidation of Cyclohexane over Rare Earth Exchanged Zeolite Y'', III World Congress on New Developments in Selective Oxidation, Estados Unidos , (1997).

Thu Nov 19 14:40:34 BDB 1998