Departamento de Química Inorgânica

Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de simpósios internacionais

  1. M.L.Bianchi, R.Cristol e U.Schuchardt, ``Bleaching of Commercial Pulps with H2O2 Catalized by Heteropolyacids'', 5th Braz. Symp. on the Chemistry of Lignins and other Wood Components, (1997).
  2. P.Benar, A.R.Gonçalves, D.Mandelli e U.Schuchardt, ``Experimental Desing on the Synthesis of Resols Containing Eucalyptus Lignins'', 5th Braz. Symp. on the Chemistry of Lignins and Other Wood Components, (1997).

Thu Nov 19 14:40:34 BDB 1998