Departamento de Psicologia Médica Psiquiatria

Resumos em Anais de Congressos Internacionais

  1. Mara Aparecida Alves Cabral, "Representations Of Domestic Violence In a Population Of 114 Women In The City Of Campinas - São Paulo", The XVI Congress of the World Associaton for Social Psychiatry, 1 , 12, Canada, (1998). [82451]
  2. Mara Aparecida Alves Cabral, "Incidence Of Unreported Domestic Attacks In a Population Of 480 Women In Campinas, Brazil", The XVI Congress of the World Association for Social Psychiatry, 1 , 12, Canada, (1998). [82456]
  3. Mara Aparecida Alves Cabral e Stella L.M.Aranha Carneiro, "Study On Unreported Domestic Agression Against Women In The Mental Health Service Of General Hospital At Unicamp Ein 1997", The XVI Congress of the World Association for Social Psychiatry, 1 , 14, Canada, (1998). [82460]
  4. Stella L.M.Aranha Carneiro e Mara Aparecida Alves Cabral, "When Every Thing Begin At Home: Registred Violence Against Children And Adolescents In The Family", XII International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, 1 , 46, Nova Zelandia, (1998). [82463]
  5. Lidia Straus, "Reflections About Mothers Of Hyperkinetic Children", 14 Int.Cong.of the Int.As.for Child and Ad.Psy.and Allied Professions, 1 , 58, Suecia, (1998). [82483]
  6. Lidia Straus e Paulo Dalgalarrondo, "Childood Psychoses Profile In as University Out-patient Clinic", 14 Int.Cong.of the Int.As.for Child and Ad.Psy.and Allied Professions, 1 , 338, Suecia, (1998). [82486]
  7. Claudemir Benedito Rapeli e Neury José Botega, "Attempted suicide: a Descriptive Study With Patientes Admitted To a General Hospital", XVI Congresso da Associação Mundial de Psiquiatria Social, 1 , 57, Canada, (1998). [82677]
  8. Neury José Botega, "Psychiatric Beds In General Hospitals In Brazil: Present Status And Trends", XVI Congresso da Associação Mundail de Psiquiatria Social, 1 , 9, Canada, (1998). [82680]
  9. Egberto Ribeiro Turato, "Assistêncial And Emotional Aspects Of Aids Patient Caregivers Ina a Day-care Uinit In Brazil: a Qualitative Study", 12th World AIDS Conference, 1 , 500, Suica, (1998). [82851]
  10. Miguel Antonio de Mello Silva e Egberto Ribeiro Turato, "~ancer Patients And The Perception Of Changes Of Their Function In The Family Setting: a Clínical-qualitative Research Of Psychosocial And Cultrual Aspects", 17th UICC International Cancer Congress, 1 , 163, Brasil, (1998). [82862]
  11. Liliana A. Magalhães Guimarães e Maria Elenice Quelho Areias, "Stress And Support In University Workers", XVI Congress of the World Congress for Social Psychiatry, 1 , 27, Canada, (1998). [86229]
  12. Liliana A. Magalhães Guimarães, "Insônia e Qualidade de Vida em Estudantes Universitários", VII Congreso Latinoamericano del Sueño, 1 , 1, Argentina, (1998). [86231]