Departamento de Fisiologia e Biofísica

Artigos em Revistas de Circ. Internac. Espec.

  1. Marcia Queiroz Latorraca, Marise A.B. Reis, Everardo M. Carneiro, Maria A.R. Mello, Lício A. Velloso, Mário J.A. Saad e Antonio Carlos Boschero, "Protein Deficiency And Nutritional Recovery Modulate Insulin Secretion And The Early steps Of Insulin Action In Rats", Journal of Nutrition, 128 , 1643-1649, (1998). [78709]
  2. R. Faro, D.M. Grassi-kassisse, I Boin, P.G. Withrington, T.J. Opgenorth, J.G.P. Ferraz, E. Antunes e G. De Nucci, "Characterization Of Endothelin Receptors In Isolated, Perfused Human Spleen", Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 31 (suppl, 551-553, (1998). [84141]
  3. V.S. Valentinuzzi, D.E. Kolker, M.H. Vitaterna, S. Kazuhiro, A. Whiteley, S. Low-zeddies, F.W. Turek, Elenice A. de Moraes Ferrari, R. Paylor e J.S. Takahashi, "Zautomated Messurement Of Mouse Freezing Behavior And Its Use For Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis Of Contextual Fear Conditioning In (Balb/cj X C57bl/6j)f2 Mice", Learning & Memory, 5 , 391-403, (1998). [85128]
  4. Maria Cristina C. Marcondes, H.N. Honma, Miguel Arcanjo Areas e L. Cury, "Effect Of Walker 256 Tumor Growth On Intestinal Absorption Of Leucine, Methionine And Glucose In Newly Weaned And Mature Rats", Brazilian Journal of Médical and Biológical Research, 31 , 1345-1348, (1998). [85134]
  5. M.Q. Latorraca, M. A. B. Reis, Everardo M. Carneiro, M.A.R. Mello, L.A. Velloso, Mário José Abdalla Saad e Antonio Carlos Boschero, "Protein Deficiency And Nutritional Recovery Modulate Insulin Secretion And The Early steps Of Insulin Action In Rats", Journal of Nutrition, 128 , 1643-1649, (1998). [85138]
  6. M.Q. Latorraca, Everardo M. Carneiro, Antonio Carlos Boschero e M.A.R. Mello, "Protein Deficiency During Pregnancy And Lactation Impairs Glucose-Induced Insulin Secretion But Increases The Sensitivity To Insulin In Weaned Rats", British Journal of Nutrition, 80 , 291-297, (1998). [85147]
  7. V. Paéz-espinosa, C.R.O. Carvalho, F. Alvarez-rojas, L. Janeri, L.A. Velloso, Antonio Carlos Boschero e Mário José Abdalla Saad, "Insulin Induces Tyrosine Phosphorylation Of Shc And stimulates Shc/grb2 Association In Insulin-sensitive Tissues Ofd The Intact Rat", Endocrine, 8 (2), 193-200, (1998). [85148]
  8. A.C. Mendonça, Everardo M. Carneiro, J.R. Bosqueiro, Silvia C. Crepaldi-alves e Antonio Carlos Boschero, "Development Of The Insulin Secretion Mechanism In Fetal And Neonatal Rat Pancreatic B-cells: Response To Glucose, K+, Theophylline, And Carbamylcholine", Brazilian Journal of Médical and Biológical Research, 31 , 841-846, (1998). [85150]
  9. Maria Cristina C. Marcondes, L. Cury e R. Curi, "Consequences Of Walker 256 Tumor Growth For The Placental/fetal Development In Rats", Cancer Research Therapy and Control, 5 , 227-283, (1998). [85164]
  10. Alba R. M. Souza Brito, J.A. Rodriguez, C.A. Hiruma-lima, M. Haun e D.S. Nunes, "Antiiiiiiulcerogenic Activity Of Trans-dehydrocrotonin From Croton Cajucara Benth", Planta Médica, 64 , 126-129, (1998). [85505]
  11. M.A. Antonio e Alba R. M. Souza Brito, "Oral Anti-Inflammatory And Anti-ulcerogenic Activities Of a Hydroalcoholic Extract And Partitioned Fractions Of Turnera Ulmifolia (Turneraceae)", Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 61 , 215-228, (1998). [85506]
  12. J.S. Gracioso, M.Q. Paulo, C.A. Hiruma-lima e Alba R. M. Souza Brito, "Antinociceptive Effect In Mice Of a Hydroalcoholic Extract Of Neurolaena Lobata (L.) R. Br. And Its Organic Fractions", Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 50 , 1-6, (1998). [85508]