Departamento de Teoria da Computação

Artigos em Revistas de Circ. Internac. Espec.

  1. Célia Picinin de Mello, Cláudio Leonardo Lucchesi e J.L. Szwarcfiter, "On Clique-complete Graphs", Discrete Mathematics, 1 , 247-254, (1998). [69423]
  2. Boris V. Cherkassky, Andrew V. Goldberg, Paul Martin, João Carlos Setubal e Jorge Stolfi, "Augment Or Push? a Computational Study Of Bipartite Matching And Unit Capacity Maximum Flow Algorithms", ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 3 (8), (1998). [81958]
  3. João Meidanis, Oscar Porto e Guilherme Pimentel Telles, "On The Consecutive Ones Property", Discrete Applied Mathematics, 88 , (1998). [87193]
  4. Celina M.H. Figueiredo e Cāndido F. Xavier Mendonça Neto, "Splitting Number Is Np-complete", Lecture Notes Computer Sciences, 1 , 1-10, (1998). [87198]
  5. Luerbio Faria, Celina M.H. Figueiredo e Cāndido F. Xavier Mendonça Neto, "Splitting Number Of The 4-cube", Lecture Notes Computer Sciences, 1380 , 141-150, (1998). [87199]
  6. C.E. Ferreira, A. Martin, Cid Carvalho de Souza, R. Weismantel e L.A. Wolsey, "The Node Capacitated Graph Partitioning Problem: a Computational Study", Mathemátical Programming, 81 , 229-256, Serie: B, (1998). [87200]