Departamento de Cirurgia
Trab. Comp. em Anais de Congr. Inter.
Ilka de Fátima S.F. Boin, Gustavo Sevá Pereira, D. Bittencourt e Luiz Sergio Leonardi,
"Result of Surgical Treatment of Portal Hypertension",
3rd World Congress of the International HPB Association,
Luiz Sergio Leonardi, Ilka de Fátima S.F. Boin, A.R. Cardoso, C.A.A. Caruy, A.C.M. Luzo e Cléber Soares Júnior,
"Intraoperative Results Obtained with Piggyback Technique in 47 Liver Transplants at FCM/HC/UNICAMP - SP/BRAZIL",
3rd World Congress of the International HPB Association,