Departamento de Patologia Clínica

Artigos em Revistas de Circ. Internac. Espec.

  1. R. Rittner, J. E. Barbarini e Nelci Fenalti Höehr, "Correlations of carbon-13 substituent-induced chemical shifts. part 2: 2-substituted 5-N ,N -dimethyl-aminophenyl- N,N-dimethylcarbamates", Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 44 (6), 181-186, (1999). [56121]
  2. Roger Frigério Castilho, Ar Meinicke, Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi e M Hermes-lima, "Role of Fe(III) in Fe(II) citrate-mediated peroxidation of mitochondrial membrane lipids", Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 196 , 163-168, (1999). [58794]
  3. Aj Kowaltowski e Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi, "Mitochondrial damage induced by conditions of oxidative stress", Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 26 (4), 463-471, (1999). [81848]
  4. Am Almeida, W Jarmuskiewicz, H Khomsi, Paulo Arruda, Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi e Fe Sluse, "Cyanide-resistant, ATP-synthesis-sustained and uncoupling-protein-sustained respiration during postharvest ripening of tomato fruit", Plant Physiology, 119 , 1323-1330, (1999). [82038]
  5. Francisco Hideo Aoki, T Imai, R Tanaka, Y Mikami, H Taguchi, Nf Nishimura, K Nishimura, M Miyaji, Angelica Zaninelli Schreiber e Maria Luiza Moretti Branchini, "New PCR primer pairs specific for Cryptococcus neoformans serotype A or B prepared on the basis of random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprint pattern analyses", Journal of Clínical Microbiology, 37 (2), 315-320, (1999). [84249]
  6. Marcelo de Carvalho Ramos, H Soini, Gc Roscani, M Jaques, Maria Cecilia B. Villares e Jm Musser, "Extensive cross-contamination of specimens with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a reference laboratory", Journal of Clínical Microbiology, 37 (4), 916-919, (1999). [86959]
  7. F Guimarães, Ovídio Rettori, Ana Neuza Vieira-matos e Gilberto da Assunção Fernandes, "The influence of septal lesions on sodium and water retention induced by Walker 256 tumor", Brazilian Journal of Médical and Biológical Research, 32 , 309-317, (1999). [88602]
  8. Laura sterian Ward, Maria Elena Guariento, Gilberto da Assunção Fernandes e Rmb Maciel, "Serum cytokines in chronic Chagas'disease", Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 32 (3), 285-289, (1999). [88603]
  9. Sandra C. Botelho Costa, Silvia R. Pergamo Miranda, G Alves, Claudio Lucio Rossi, Ltm Figueiredo e Fernando Ferreira Costa, "Detection of cytomegalovirus infections by PCR in renal transplant patients", Brazilian Journal of Médical and Biológical Research, 32 (8), 953-959, (1999). [93336]
  10. Cre Grignoli, Mrsc Wenning, Maria de Fatima Sonati, Em Kimura, Vr Arruda, Sara T. Olalla Saad e Fernando Ferreira Costa, "Hb Rio Claro [beta34(B16)Val-Met]: a novel electrophoretically silent variant found in association with Hb Hasharon [alfa47(CE5)Asp-His] and alfa-thalassemia-2(-alfa3.7)", Hemoglobin, 23 (2), 177-182, (1999). [93348]
  11. Lj Lipinski, Nelci Fenalti Höehr, Sj Mazur, Gl Dianov, S Sentürker, M Dizdaroglu e Va Bohr, "Repair of oxidative DNA base lesions induced by fluorescent light is defective in xeroderma pigmentosum group A cells", Nucleic Acids Research, 27 (15), 3153-3158, (1999). [93484]
  12. Lc Bertozzi, La Suzuki e Claudio Lucio Rossi, "Serológical diagnosis of toxoplasmosis: usefulness of IgA detection and IgG avidity determination in a patient with a persistent IgM antibody response to Toxoplasma gondii", Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, 41 (3), 175-177, (1999). [93809]
  13. Helena Zerlotti Wolf Grotto, Em Kimura e Mv Carneiro, "Soluble transferrin receptor in sickle cell diseases: correlation with spleen function", Revista Paulista de Medicina, 117 (4), 145-150, (1999). [95077]
  14. O Hansson, A Petersen, M Leist, P Nicotera, Roger Frigério Castilho e P Brundin, "Transgenic mice expressing a Huntington's disease mutation are resistant to quinolinic acid-induced striatal excitotoxicity", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 96 , 8727-8732, (1999). [95197]
  15. Maria Heloisa S. L. Blotta, Rl Mamoni, Sj Oliveira, Sa Nouer, Priscila M.Oliveira Papaiordanou, A Goveia e Zp Camargo, "Endemic regions of Paracoccidioidomycosis in Brazil: a clínical and epidemiológical study of 584 cases in Southeast region", American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 61 , 390-394, (1999). [95273]
  16. L Thomson, Fr Gadelha, G Pelufo, Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi e R Radi, "Peroxynitrite affects Ca2+ transport in Trypanosoma cruzi", Molecular Biochemical Parasitology, 98 , 81-91, (1999). [95378]
  17. Il Nantes, M Fagian, R Catisti, Paulo Arruda, Ig Maia e Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi, "Low temperature and aging-induced PUMP expression in potato mitochondria", FEBS Letters, 457 , 103-106, (1999). [95407]
  18. Am Almeida, Ejh Bechara, Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi e Il Nantes, "Diphenylacetaldehyde-generated excited states promote damage to isolated rat liver mitochondrial DNA, phospholipids and proteins", Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 27 , 744-751, (1999). [95409]
  19. Mt Grijalba, Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi e S Schreier, "Ca2+ -induced increasedlipid packing and domain formation in submitochondrial particles. A possible early step in the mechanism of Ca2+ -stimulated generation of reactive oxygen species by respiratory chain", Biochemistry, 38 (40), 13279-****, (1999). [95412]
  20. Roger Frigério Castilho, Mw Ward e Dg Nicholls, "Oxidative stress, mitochondrial function, and acute glutamate excitotoxicity in cultured cerebellar granule cells", Journal of Neurochemistry, 72 , 1394-1401, (1999). [95427]
  21. Helena Zerlotti Wolf Grotto, Ac Vigorito, Jfa Noronha e Galm Lima, "Immature reticulocyte fraction as a criterion for marrow engraftment. Evaluation of a semi-automated reticulocyte counting method", Clínical and Laboratory Haematology, 21 , 285-287, (1999). [95435]
  22. Ia Degterev, Pcl Nogueira, Aj Marsaioli e Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi, "Microsomal metabolism of quinifuryl-a nitrofurylethenyl-quinolene antiseptic possessing antitumor activity in vitro", European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 24 , 15-22, (1999). [95454]
  23. R Catisti e Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi, "Permeability transition pore closure promoted by quinine", Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 31 , 153-157, (1999). [95455]
  24. R Catisti e Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi, "The participation of pyridine nucleotides redox state and reactive oxygen in the mechanism of fatty acids-induced permeability transition in rat liver mitochondria", FEBS Letters, 464 , 97-101, (1999). [95601]
  25. Aj Kowaltowski, J Turin, G Indig e Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi, "Mitochondrial effects of triarylmethane dyes", Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 31 (6), 579-588, (1999). [95603]
  26. N Lopez, Sílvia de Barros-mazon, Maria M. dos Santos Vilela e José Dirceu Ribeiro, "Genetic and environmental influences on atopic immune response in early life", Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clínical Immunology, 9 (6), 392-398, (1999). [97121]
  27. Sandra R. Muchinechi Fernandes, Manoel Barros Bértolo, Claudio Lucio Rossi, Adil Muhib Samara, Sha Bonon, P Durante e Sandra C. Botelho Costa, "Polyarteritis nodosa and cytomegalovirus: diagnosis by polymerase chain reaction", Clínical Rheumatology, 18 , 501-503, (1999). [98553]
  28. Adt Costa, Il Nantes, P Jesek, A Leite, Paulo Arruda e Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi, "Plant uncoupling mitochondrial protein (PUMP) activity in mitochondria isolated from tomatoes at different stages of ripening", Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 31 (5), 527-533, (1999). [98561]
  29. Jr Meyer-fernandes, Mas Neto, Ms Soares, E Fernandes, Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi e Mm Oliveira, "Ecto-phosphatase activities on the cell surface of the amastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi", Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung C, 54 (11), 977-984, (1999). [98570]
  30. Dg Nicholls, Sl Budd, Roger Frigério Castilho e Mw Ward, "Glutamate excitotoxicity and neuronal energy metabolism", Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, 158 (1), 3-11, (1999). [98593]
  31. Mrsc Wenning, Em Kimura, Sb Jorge, Fernando Ferreira Costa e Maria de Fatima Sonati, "Molecular characterization of hemoglobins Kurosaki [alfa7Lys-Glu], G-Pest [alfa74Asp-Asn], Stanleyville-II [alfa78 Asn-Lys] and J-Rovigo [alfa53 Ala-Asp]", Acta Haematológica, 102 , 203-205, (1999). [98704]
  32. L. Thomson, Fernanda Ramos Gadelha, G. Peluffo, Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi e R. Radi, "Peroxynitrite affects Ca2+ transport in Trypanosoma cruzi", Molecular Biochemical Parasitology, 98 (1), 81-91, (1999). [100367]