Departamento de Construção Civil

Trab. Comp. em Anais de Congr. Inter.

  1. Lucila Chebel Labaki, Rosana M. Caram e Eduvaldo P. Sichieri, "Spectral transmission of solar radiation through transparent materials in building façades", Indoor Air'99 - The 8th Int. Confer. on Indoor Air Quality & Climate, 4 , 222-227, Escocia, (1999). [87374]
  2. Carlos Alberto Mariotoni e Luis Celso Pinto, "The choice of alternative energy to commercial building equipment considering the urban air pollution", V Intern. Conf. on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, 1 , 186-188, Portugal, (1999). [90291]
  3. Vladimir Antonio Paulon, Sérgio E. Zordan e Vanderley M. John, "Concreto confeccionado com entulho reciclado: avaliação do desempenho em função do consumo de cimento", II International Conference on High Performance Concrete, 1 , 1-10, Brasil, (1999). [90376]
  4. Vitor Antonio Ducatti, Rosa Cristina Ceche Lintz e João Bento De Hanai, "A mixture proportioning method for high performance concrete", II Int.Conf.on High-Performance Concrete, and Performance and Quality, 1 , 1-5, Brasil, (1999). [90774]