Departamento de Biologia Celular
Resumos em Anais de Congressos Internacionais
Maria Luiza Silveira Mello,
"Discrimination of Feulgen-stained apoptotic nuclei by image analysis",
90th Annual Meeting of the AACR,
40 ,
Estados Unidos,
Vera Lucia Correa Feitosa, Marcelo Augusto Marretto Esquisatto, Sergio Luis Felisbino, Benedicto de Campos Vidal e Edson Rosa Pimentel,
"Morphológical analysis of three regions of the superficial digital flexor tendon of pigs",
XV Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomi,
104 ,
Vera Lucia Correa Feitosa, Marcelo Augusto Marretto Esquisatto, Benedicto de Campos Vidal e Edson Rosa Pimentel,
"Structural and morphometrical study of a region under compression of the superficial digital flexor tendon of pigs",
XVII Cong.Braz.Soc.Microsc. and Microanal. & X Cong.Braz.Soc.Cell Biol,
8 ,
Guido Tirone, Rita Maria Pereira Avancini e Edson Rosa Pimentel,
"Characterization of the secretion from the female accessory glands of the cosmopolitan fly Synthesiomya nudiseta (diptera: muscidae)",
XVII Cong.Braz.Soc.Microsc. and Microanal. & X Cong.Braz.Soc.Cell Biol,
8 ,
Joao Batista Gifoni Vieira, Benedicto de Campos Vidal e Edson Rosa Pimentel,
"Analysis of the extraction of chicken xiphoide cartilage with a low ionic strenght solution and with a chaotropic agent",
XVII Cong.Braz.Soc.Microsc. and Microanal. & X Cong.Braz.Soc.Cell Biol,
8 ,
Benedicto de Campos Vidal, Maria Luiza Silveira Mello, Hiaoqi Yang, Yun Fu Hu e Jose Russo,
"Image analysis of Feulgen-stained transformed human breast epithelial cells after transfer of chromosome 17",
90th Annual Meeting of the AACR,
40 ,
Estados Unidos,
Miriam Magalhaes O. Levada, Marcelo Augusto Marretto Esquisatto e Laurecir Gomes,
"Structure of rat tracheal cartilage during aging",
XV Cong.Int.Feder. Assoc. Anat. and 4th Int.Malphighi Symp,
104 ,
Marcos Roberto Bet, Maria Lúcia Furlan Wada e Gilberto Goissis,
"Physicochemical and biocompatibility properties of anionic collagen",
BIOMAT'99 & I Enc.Soc.Latinoamericana de Biomateriales y Órganos Artif,
3 ,
Maria Luiza Silveira Mello, Silvya Stuchi Maria e Maria Cristina H. Tavares,
"Heat shock-induced apoptosis in germ line cells of Triatoma infestans",
39th American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting,
10 ,
Estados Unidos,