Departamento de Fisiologia Vegetal

Artigos em Revistas de Circ. Internac. Espec.

  1. Angela Pierre Vitoria e Ladaslav Sodek, "Xylem sap nitrogen compounds of some Crotalaria species", Scientia Agrícola, 56 (3), 733-737, (1999). [90588]
  2. Mário Puiatti e Ladaslav Sodek, "Waterlogging affects nitrogen transport in the xylem of soybean", Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 37 , 767-773, (1999). [93887]
  3. Marlene Aparecida Schiavinato, Paulo Mazzafera e E.H.M. Mendonça, "Purification of leghemoglobin from nodules of Crotalaria infected with Rhizobium", Phytochemistry, 50 , 313-316, (1999). [96950]
  4. Paulo Mazzafera, Ma Saldana e Rs Mohamed, "Extraction de alcaloides de los granos de cafe canephora usando fluidos supercriticos", Informacion Tecnológica, 10 (1), 87-94, (1999). [96951]
  5. Paulo Mazzafera e Kv Gonçalves, "Nitrogen compounds in the xylem sap of coffee", Phytochemistry, 50 , 383-386, (1999). [96953]
  6. Claudia Haddad e Paulo Mazzafera, "Sodium chloride-induced leaf senescense in Hydrocotile bonariensis and Foenicum vulgare", Arquivos de Biologia e Tecnologia, 42 , 161-168, (1999). [98395]
  7. Paulo Mazzafera e Dirce, M. Yamaoka-yano, "Catabolism of caffeine and purification of a xanthine oxidase responsible for methyluric acids production in Pseudomonas putida L", Revista de Microbiologia, 30 , 70-78, (1999). [98396]
  8. Paulo Mazzafera e Angela Pierre Vitoria, "Xanthine degradation and related enzyme activities in leaves and fruits of two Coffea species differing in caffeine catabolism", Journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 47 , 1851-1855, (1999). [98400]
  9. Paulo Mazzafera, Rg Carneiro e Lccb Ferraz, "Carbon partitioning in soybean infected with Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica", Journal of Nematology, 31 , 348-355, (1999). [98404]
  10. Paulo Mazzafera, Ma Saldana, Rs Mohammed e G Baer, "Extraction of purine alkaloids from mate ilex paraguariensis using supercrítical CO2", Journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 47 , 3804-3808, (1999). [98405]