Departamento de Eletrônica Quântica

Trab. Comp. em Anais de Congr. Nac.

  1. H. Moya-cessa, J.A. Roversi, S.M. Dutra e A. Vidiella Barranco, "Reconstruction of quantum states of light in the presence of dissipation", XXI Encontro Nacional de Física da Matéria Condensada, 1 , 9-11, (1999). [87826]
  2. V.C. S.Reynoso, C.L. Cesar, R.L. Matos Filho e N. Zagury, "Telepartion of Arbitrary Internal States and Entanglement Swapping in Ions", Annals of the Brazilian Commission for Optics, 1 , 16-18, (1999). [87828]
  3. A.F. Gomes, J.A. Roversi e A. Vidiella Barranco, "Influence of a Kerr-medium on the atom-field transfer of coherence in a two-phoyon micromaser", Annals of the Brazilian Commission for Optics, 1 , 42-45, (1999). [87843]
  4. A. Vidiella Barranco, Luiz M. Arévalo-aguilar e H. Moya-cessa, "Analytical solution of master equations describing phase-sensitive processes", Annals of the Brazilian Commission for Optics, 1 , 50-52, (1999). [87847]
  5. D.S. Freitas, A. Vidiella Barranco e J.A. Roversi, "Dynamics of trapped ions intercting with a field in a lossy cavity", Annals of the Brazilian Commission for Optic, 1 , 61-64, (1999). [87849]
  6. W.A. Arellano E. e H.L. Fragnito, "On polarization dependent gain in erbium doped fiber amplifiers", Annals of the Brazilian Commission for Optics, 1 , 154-156, (1999). [87851]
  7. J.M.C. Boggio, D.F. Grosz e H.L. Fragnito, "Modulation Instability Induced resonant four wave mixing: effects on spectral shape in WDM systems", Annals of the Brazilian Commission for Optics, 1 , 163-166, (1999). [87858]
  8. J.L.J Pérez, P.H. Sakanaka e M.A. Algatti, "Three-dimencional model for exide thin film growth induced by laser heating of metallic surfaces", Annals of the Brazilian Commission for Optics, 1 , 257-259, (1999). [87864]
  9. J.C.S. Morães, A. Scalabrin, K.M. Evenson e M.D. Allen, "New far-infrared laser lines from CHD(2)OH and (13)CH(3)OH methanol", Annals of the Brazilian Commission for Optics, 1 , 282-283, (1999). [87870]