Departamento de Raios Cósmicos

Trab. Comp. em Anais de Congr. Inter.

  1. P.A.S. Carvalho, A.F. Martini e M.J. Menon, "Analyticity and crossing at the elementary level in elastic hadron scattering", VI Hadron Physics, 326-329, Brasil, (1999). [76026]
  2. M.J. Menon, "a conjucture on Centauro species", VI Hadron Physics, 333-335, Brasil, (1999). [76028]
  3. Lilian Al-chueyr P Martins e R.A. Martins, "Acceptación o rechazo de las hipótesis o terias: un nuevo método de análisis", IX Jornadas de Epístemologia e História de la Ciência, 5 , 273-280, Argentina, (1999). [88832]
  4. R.A. Martins, "Que es el descubrimiento cientifico de un nuevo fenómeno?", IX Jornadas de Epistemologia e História de la Ciência, 5 , 281-288, Argentina, (1999). [88833]
  5. J.R. Fleitas e J. Bellandi Filho, "Inelastic proton-air cross section in UHE", 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, I , 167-168, Estados Unidos, (1999). [90202]
  6. L.A. Carvalho e C. Dobrigkeit, "A method to estimate primary composition with the Auger Observatory", XXVI International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1 , 426-429, Estados Unidos, (1999). [91674]
  7. P.A.S. Carvalho, A.F. Martini e M.J. Menon, "Semi-empirical extraction of elementary amplitudes freom experimental data on elastic scattering", International Workshop on Hadron Physics, 330-332, Brasil, (1999). [99000]
  8. H. Minakata e H. Nunokawa, "Model Independent Analysis of the Solar Neutrino Data", Proceedins of the Satellite Symposium to Neutrino'98-, 209-218, Japao, (1999). [99022]
  9. P.A.S. Carvalho e M.J. Menon, "Elastic Hadron scattering: a model independent analysis", 11A Reunião de Trabalho sobre Ineterações Hadrônicas, 23-27, Brasil, (1999). [99053]
  10. J. Bellandi Filho, J.R. Fleitas e J.D. Deus, "Leading nucleon and the hadronic flux in the atmosphere", 26th international Cosmic Ray Conference, I , 115-116, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99131]
  11. J. Bellandi Filho, J.R. Fleitas e J.D. Deus, "Leading nucleon and the proton-nucleus inelelasticity", 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, I , 53-54, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99133]
  12. J.A. Ortiz e J.A. Chinellato, "Considerations about the lateral distribution of electrons in proton-initiated ait showers at energies below 10^15 eV", 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, I , 305-307, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99141]
  13. M.A.L. Oliveira e J.A. Chinellato, "Study of muon flux and reconstruction methods with CORSIKA code", 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, I , 518-520, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99146]
  14. M Aglietta, J.A. Chinellato, A. Turtelli Jr., N.M. Silva e E. Kemp, "Measurement of the Neutron Flux Produced by Cosmic-Ray Muons with LVD at Gran Sasso", 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2 , 44-46, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99154]
  15. M. Aglietta, J.A. Chinellato, A. Turtelli Jr., N.M. Silva e E. Kemp, "Search for neutrino burst from SN collapse with the Large Volume Detector", 26th International Cosmic Ray conference, 2 , 233-235, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99159]
  16. M. Aglietta, J.A. Chinellato, A. Turtelli Jr., N.M. Silva e E. Kemp, "Muon astronomy with LVD detector", 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 7 , 222-234, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99160]
  17. A.A. Gusev, T. Kohno, I.M. Martin, G.I. Pugacheva e W.N. Spjeldvik, "On a local time dependence of the energetic He ion space distribution", 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 7 , 569-572, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99190]
  18. A.A. Gusev, I.M. Martin, G.I. Pugacheva, A.C Catlin e W.N. Spjeldvik, "A 2D simulation of the proton radiation belt with Pellpack code", 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 7 , 417-420, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99195]
  19. K. Kudela, I.M. Martin e P. Bobik, "On the indices of cosmic ray variability", 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 6 , 444-448, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99197]
  20. G.I. Pugacheva, A.A. Gusev, I.M. Martin e W.N. Spjeldvik, "On numerical simulations of magnetospheric electron fluxes", 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 7 , 416-418, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99199]
  21. A.A. Gusev, I.M. Martin, G.I. Pugacheva, A.C. Christy e W.N. Spjeldvik, "A 2D Simulation of the Proton Radiation Belt with PELLPACK Code", VI Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica, 1 , 61-64, Brasil, (1999). [99472]
  22. A.A. Gusev, T. Kohno, I.M. Martin, G.I. Pugacheva e W.N. Spjeldvik, "Study of the space variations of the energetic He ions at low altitudes in Brazilian and South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly Region", VI Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica, 1 , 56-60, Brasil, (1999). [99479]
  23. I.M. Martin, H.S. Pinto, G.I. Pugacheva, A.A. Gusev, Jr.J. Zullo, A. Turtelli Jr., M.G.S. Mello, D.S. Simoes, N. Knjasev e V. Pankov, "Participação da UNICAMP com experimentos, na Estação Espacial Internacional", VI Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica, 1 , 96-100, Brasil, (1999). [99484]
  24. Y.I. Stozkhov, V.I. Ermankov, I.M. Martin, P.E. Pokrevsky e M.G.S. Mello, "On the role of cosmic rays in the atmospheric processes", VI Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica, 1 , 92-96, Brasil, (1999). [99489]
  25. Chacaltaya Collaboration, S.L.C Barroso, J. Bellandi Filho, J.A. Chinellato, C. Dobrigkeit, V. Kopenkin, K. Sawayanagi, A. Pemmaraju, Cesare M.G. Lattes, M.J. Menon, E.H. Shibuya, A. Turtelli Jr., N.M Amato, N. Arata e C.E. Navia, "An Additional Characteristic feature of Centauro Events", 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1 , 64-67, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99555]
  26. C.E. Navia, C.R.A. Augusto, V. Kopenkin, Y. Fujimoto, M. Moriya, A. Ohsawa, A.K. Managadze, I.V. Rakobolskaya, T.M. Roganova, L.G. Sveshnikava, E.H. Shibuya e S.L.C Barroso, "An analysis of high energy cosmic ray gamma-hadron families", 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1 , 107-110, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99567]
  27. A. Ohsawa, E.H. Shibuya e M. Tamada, "Nuclear Interactions in 10^16~ 10^20 eV", 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1 , 155-158, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99576]
  28. C.E. Navia, C.R.A. Augusto, V. Kopenkin, Y. Fujimoto, M. Moriya, A. Ohsawa, A.K. Managadze, I.V. Rakobolskaya, T.M. Roganova, L.G. Sveshnikova, E.H. Shibuya e S.L.C Barroso, "Study of primary nuclei composition in the knee region using the Cronin effect", 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3 , 284-287, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99580]
  29. R.J.M. Covolan e M. Batista, "Diffractive Production of W's and Dijets at the Tevatron Energies", LAFEX International School on High Energy, CD , 1, Brasil, (1999). [99633]