Departamento de Raios Cósmicos

Resumos em Anais de Congressos Internacionais

  1. Oliveira, P. Hackspacher, J.C. Hadler N., P.J. Iunes, A.M. Osorio A.B., S.R. Paulo, C.A.T. Saenz e A.R. Zuņiga G., "Thermal history by fission track analysis of Serra Negra, Salitre, Catalão II and Tapira cabonatite complexes, Brazil: methodológical study", First Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Tracks and its Aplic.Phys, 36-38, Venezuela, (1999). [99764]
  2. G. Bigazzi, Oliveira, J.C. Hadler N., P.J. Iunes, A.M. Osorio A.B., S.R. Paulo, C.A.T. Saenz e A.R. Zuņiga G., "Fission track dating of some peruvian voclanic glasses:preliminary results", First Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Tracks and its Aplic.Phys, s/n , 30-31, Venezuela, (1999). [99775]
  3. Oliveira, J.C. Hadler N., P.J. Iunes, R.S. Neman, S.R. Paulo, W.F. Freitas e C.A.T. Saenz, "Radon and Radon daughters survey at Campinas,Brazil:some results comparing summer and winter activities for expositions in the same rooms", First Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Tracks and its Aplic.Phys, s/n , 7-8, Venezuela, (1999). [99777]
  4. Oliveira, J.C. Hadler N., P.J. Iunes, R.S. Neman, S.R. Paulo, W.F. Freitas, C.A.T. Saenz e A.R. Zuņiga G., "On the spatial distribution of Indoor 222 Rn and its decay products", First Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Tracks and its Aplic.Phys, s/n , 20-21, Venezuela, (1999). [99790]