Departamento de Estatística

Artigos em Revistas de Circ. Internac. Espec.

  1. Luiz Koodi Hotta e Klaus L. Vasconcellos, "Aggregation and disaggregation of structural time series models", Journal of Time Series Analysis, 20 (2), 155-171, (1999). [40939]
  2. Herve Jean François Guiol, "Some Properties of $k$-Step Exclusion Processes", Journal of Statístical Physics, 94 (3/4), 495-511, (1999). [90405]
  3. Nancy Lopes Garcia, Roberto Fernández e Pablo A. Ferrari, "Measures on contour, polymer or animal models. A probabilistic approach", Markov Processes and Related Fields, 4 (4), 479-498, (1999). [91008]
  4. Nancy Lopes Garcia, "Estimating Leaf Area Index for Canopies using Coverage Processes", Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, 7 (2), 201-205, (1999). [91009]
  5. Mário Antonio Gneri, "Models as thim subsets of the space of distributions", Statistics and Probability Letters, 43 (1), 1-3, (1999). [91287]
  6. Vyacheslav Girko, "Strong Law for the singular values and eigenvectors of random matrices III. Inequalities for the spectral radius of large random matrices", Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, 7 , 179-200, (1999). [91575]
  7. R. Sadownik e Emanuel Pimentel Barbosa, "Short Term Forecasting of Industrial Demand of Electrical Power in Brazil", Journal of Forecasting, 18 (3), 215-224, (1999). [91997]
  8. Emanuel Pimentel Barbosa e R. Sadownik, "A Multiplicative Seadonal Growth Model for Multivariate Time Series Analysis and Forecasting", Communications ind Statistics. Simulation and Computation, 28 (2), 291-308, (1999). [92001]