Departamento de Matemática

Artigos em Revistas de Circ. Internac. Espec.

  1. Marco Antonio Teixeira, "Codimension two singularities of sliding vector fields", Bulletin de la Societé Mathematique de Belgique, 6 (3), 369-381, (1999). [45593]
  2. Jorge Guilherme Hounie, Milton da Costa Lopes Filho, Helena Judith N. Lopes e S Schochet, "Apriori temporal regularity for the stream functions of 2D incompressible inviscid flow", Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. An Int. Multidisc. Journal, 35 , 871-884, (1999). [49042]
  3. Milton da Costa Lopes Filho e Helena Judith N. Lopes, "Propagation of support and singularity formation for a class of 2D quasilinear hyperbolic systems", Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 57 , 229-243, (1999). [49803]
  4. Hebe de Azevedo Biagioni, L. Cadeddu e Todor Gramchev, "Semilinear Parabolic Equations with singular initial data in anisotropic weighted spaces", Differential Integral Equations, 12 (5), 613-636, (1999). [51018]
  5. Jaime Angulo Pava, "Existence and stability of solitary wave solutions of the Benjamin equation", Journal of Differential Equations, 152 , 136-159, (1999). [65525]
  6. Sebastian Antonio L. Pizarro e José Luiz Boldrini, "The initial value problem for a generalized Boussinesq model", Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. An Int. Multidisc. Journal, 36 , 457-480, (1999). [66010]
  7. Fernando Eduardo Torres Orihuela, A. Cossidente e G Korchmaros, "On Curves covered by the Hermitian curve", Journal of Algebra, 216 , 56-76, (1999). [76043]
  8. Irwen Valle Guadalupe, Aldir Brasil Jr.Ior e J. A. Delgado, "A Characterization of the Clifford Torus", Rendiconti del Circulo Matematico di Palermo, 48 , 537-540, (1999). [76159]
  9. Paulo Regis Caron Ruffino, "Matrix of rotation for stochastic dynâmica l systems", Computational and Applied Mathematics, 18 (2), 213-226, (1999). [76428]
  10. Dorival Leão Pinto Jr., Marcelo Dutra Fragoso e Paulo Regis Caron Ruffino, "Characterizations of Radon Spaces", Statistics and Probability Letters, 42 , 409-413, (1999). [76430]
  11. Milton da Costa Lopes Filho, Helena Judith N. Lopes e Yuxi Zheng, "Convergence of the vanishing viscosity approximation for superpositions of confined eddies", Communications in Mathemátical Physics, 201 (2), 291-304, (1999). [77433]
  12. Sueli Irene R. Costa, Maria Alice Bozola Grou e Vera Lucia Xavier Figueiredo, "Mechanical Curves: A Kinematic Greek the Computer", International Journal of Mathemátical Education in Science and Technology, 30 (3), 459-468, (1999). [77653]
  13. Marcelo da Silva Montenegro, "Strong maximum principles for supersolutions of quasilinear elliptic equations", Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. An Int. Multidisc. Journal, 37 (4), 431-448, (1999). [79987]
  14. Christiam Bernardo Figueroa Serrudo, Francesco Mercuri e Renato Hyuda de Luna Pedrosa, "Invariant Surfaces of the Heisenberg Groups", Annali di Matemática Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta, 174 , 173-194, (1999). [80444]
  15. Ketty A. de Rezende e Ricardo Nogueira da Cruz, "Gradient-like flows on high-dimensional manifolds", Ergodic Theory Dynâmica l Systems, 19 , 339-362, (1999). [90364]
  16. Zdenek Dostal, Ana Friedlander e Sandra Augusta Santos, "Augmented Lagrangians with adaptive precision control for quadratic programming with equality constraints", Computational Optimization and Applications, 14 (1), 37-53, (1999). [90616]
  17. M Cuesta, Djairo Guedes De Figueiredo e J.-p. Gossez, "The beginning of the Fucik spectrum for the p-Laplacian", Journal of Differential Equations, 159 , 212-238, (1999). [91942]
  18. Antonio Paques e Miguel Ferrero, "On dihedral extensions of commutative rings", International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra, 9 (1), 15-34, (1999). [92097]
  19. Jaime Angulo Pava, "On the Cauchy problem for a Boussinesq-type system", Advances in Differential Equations, 4 (4), 457-492, (1999). [92263]
  20. M. Abdon e Fernando Eduardo Torres Orihuela, "On maximal curves in characteristic two", Manuscripta Mathemática, 99 , 39-53, (1999). [92376]
  21. Victor Ayala e Luiz Antonio B. San Martin, "Controllability of two-dimensional bilinear systems: Restricted controls and discrete-time", Proyecciones. Revista de Matemática, 18 (2), 207-223, (1999). [94966]
  22. Antonio José Engler e Alexander Prestel, "Tame Galois p-extensions of p-Henselian fields", Manuscripta Mathemática, 99 (2), 249-254, (1999). [95791]
  23. Valeri Marenich e Sergio J. X. Mendonca, "Manifolds with Minimal Radial Curvature Bounded from Below and Big Radius", Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 48 (1), 249-274, (1999). [95792]
  24. Valeri Marenich, "Riemannian submersions of open manifolds which are flat at infinity", Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 74 , 419-441, (1999). [95866]
  25. Alcibiades Rigas e Lucas Monteiro Chaves, "Geodesic generators of pi_n Spin (n+1)", Note di Matemática, 19 (2), (1999). [97689]
  26. Marko Antonio Rojas Medar, Rodney Carlos Bassanezi e Heriberto Román-flores, "A generalization of the Minkowski embedding theorem and applications", Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 102 , 263-269, (1999). [100757]