Departamento de Matemática
Artigos em Revistas de Circ. Internac. Espec.
Marco Antonio Teixeira,
"Codimension two singularities of sliding vector fields",
Bulletin de la Societé Mathematique de Belgique,
6 (3),
Jorge Guilherme Hounie, Milton da Costa Lopes Filho, Helena Judith N. Lopes e S Schochet,
"Apriori temporal regularity for the stream functions of 2D incompressible inviscid flow",
Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. An Int. Multidisc. Journal,
35 ,
Milton da Costa Lopes Filho e Helena Judith N. Lopes,
"Propagation of support and singularity formation for a class of 2D quasilinear hyperbolic systems",
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics,
57 ,
Hebe de Azevedo Biagioni, L. Cadeddu e Todor Gramchev,
"Semilinear Parabolic Equations with singular initial data in anisotropic weighted spaces",
Differential Integral Equations,
12 (5),
Jaime Angulo Pava,
"Existence and stability of solitary wave solutions of the Benjamin equation",
Journal of Differential Equations,
152 ,
Sebastian Antonio L. Pizarro e José Luiz Boldrini,
"The initial value problem for a generalized Boussinesq model",
Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. An Int. Multidisc. Journal,
36 ,
Fernando Eduardo Torres Orihuela, A. Cossidente e G Korchmaros,
"On Curves covered by the Hermitian curve",
Journal of Algebra,
216 ,
Irwen Valle Guadalupe, Aldir Brasil Jr.Ior e J. A. Delgado,
"A Characterization of the Clifford Torus",
Rendiconti del Circulo Matematico di Palermo,
48 ,
Paulo Regis Caron Ruffino,
"Matrix of rotation for stochastic dynâmica l systems",
Computational and Applied Mathematics,
18 (2),
Dorival Leão Pinto Jr., Marcelo Dutra Fragoso e Paulo Regis Caron Ruffino,
"Characterizations of Radon Spaces",
Statistics and Probability Letters,
42 ,
Milton da Costa Lopes Filho, Helena Judith N. Lopes e Yuxi Zheng,
"Convergence of the vanishing viscosity approximation for superpositions of confined eddies",
Communications in Mathemátical Physics,
201 (2),
Sueli Irene R. Costa, Maria Alice Bozola Grou e Vera Lucia Xavier Figueiredo,
"Mechanical Curves: A Kinematic Greek the Computer",
International Journal of Mathemátical Education in Science and Technology,
30 (3),
Marcelo da Silva Montenegro,
"Strong maximum principles for supersolutions of quasilinear elliptic equations",
Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. An Int. Multidisc. Journal,
37 (4),
Christiam Bernardo Figueroa Serrudo, Francesco Mercuri e Renato Hyuda de Luna Pedrosa,
"Invariant Surfaces of the Heisenberg Groups",
Annali di Matemática Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta,
174 ,
Ketty A. de Rezende e Ricardo Nogueira da Cruz,
"Gradient-like flows on high-dimensional manifolds",
Ergodic Theory Dynâmica l Systems,
19 ,
Zdenek Dostal, Ana Friedlander e Sandra Augusta Santos,
"Augmented Lagrangians with adaptive precision control for quadratic programming with equality constraints",
Computational Optimization and Applications,
14 (1),
M Cuesta, Djairo Guedes De Figueiredo e J.-p. Gossez,
"The beginning of the Fucik spectrum for the p-Laplacian",
Journal of Differential Equations,
159 ,
Antonio Paques e Miguel Ferrero,
"On dihedral extensions of commutative rings",
International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra,
9 (1),
Jaime Angulo Pava,
"On the Cauchy problem for a Boussinesq-type system",
Advances in Differential Equations,
4 (4),
M. Abdon e Fernando Eduardo Torres Orihuela,
"On maximal curves in characteristic two",
Manuscripta Mathemática,
99 ,
Victor Ayala e Luiz Antonio B. San Martin,
"Controllability of two-dimensional bilinear systems: Restricted controls and discrete-time",
Proyecciones. Revista de Matemática,
18 (2),
Antonio José Engler e Alexander Prestel,
"Tame Galois p-extensions of p-Henselian fields",
Manuscripta Mathemática,
99 (2),
Valeri Marenich e Sergio J. X. Mendonca,
"Manifolds with Minimal Radial Curvature Bounded from Below and Big Radius",
Indiana University Mathematics Journal,
48 (1),
Valeri Marenich,
"Riemannian submersions of open manifolds which are flat at infinity",
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici,
74 ,
Alcibiades Rigas e Lucas Monteiro Chaves,
"Geodesic generators of pi_n Spin (n+1)",
Note di Matemática,
19 (2),
Marko Antonio Rojas Medar, Rodney Carlos Bassanezi e Heriberto Román-flores,
"A generalization of the Minkowski embedding theorem and applications",
Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
102 ,