Departamento de Matemática Aplicada

Resumos em Anais de Congressos Internacionais

  1. Ricardo Caetano A. Biloti, Ernesto Julían G. Birgin, Lúcio Tunes dos Santos e Martin Tygel, "Traveltime Multiparameters Estimation by a Spectral Gradient Method", Proceed. of the Karlsruhe Workshop on Macro-Model Ind. Seis. Ref. Imag, 1 , 16, Alemanha, (1999). [84906]
  2. Maria Aparecida Diniz-ehrhardt, Márcia Aparecida Gomes-ruggiero, Sandra Augusta Santos, José Mário Martínez e Zdenek Dostal, "Nonmonotone strategy for minimization of quadratics with simple constraints", Sixth Siam Conference on Optimization, 1 , 100, Estados Unidos, (1999). [89560]
  3. Maria Aparecida Diniz-ehrhardt, Márcia Aparecida Gomes-ruggiero e Sandra Augusta Santos, "Augmented Lagrangean algorithms based on the spectral projected gradient", Sixth Siam Conference, 1 , 84, Estados Unidos, (1999). [89561]
  4. Márcia Aparecida Gomes-ruggiero, Vera Lúcia da R Lopes e Orlando Francisco Lopes, "Comparison of two numerical methods for elliptic problems", Sixth Siam Conference on Optimization, 1 , 107, Estados Unidos, (1999). [89562]
  5. Roberto Andreani, Ana Friedlander e Sandra Augusta Santos, "On the resolution of nonlinear generalized complementarity problems", 4 International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1 , 257, Inglaterra, (1999). [90435]
  6. Roberto Andreani, Ana Friedlander e Sandra Augusta Santos, "On the resolution of generalized nonlinear complementarity problem", 19th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 1 , 20, Inglaterra, (1999). [90506]
  7. Zdenek Dostal, Francisco A. M. Gomes e Sandra Augusta Santos, "Parallel Solution of Contact Problems", 19th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 1 , 23, Inglaterra, (1999). [90568]
  8. Margarida Pinheiro Mello e Sandra Augusta Santos, "Modelling optimisation problems:from simple to realistic", 9th Intern. Conf. on Teaching of Math. Modelling and Applications, 1 , 14, Portugal, (1999). [90569]
  9. Rodrigo Portugal, Lúcio Tunes dos Santos e Joerg Dietrich W. Schleicher, "Analysis of an Acoustic Wave Equation for Media with Cylindrical Symmetry (2.5D)", 60th CISBGf, 1 , 228, Brasil, (1999). [94861]
  10. Jonatas Manzolli, Adolfo Maia Junior e Raul do Valle, "A. ELEMENTARIDADES: A Labanian representation of the structure of matter in the Universe", Congresso internacional sobre a arte do movimento, Espacos da Danca: R, (1999). [99350]
  11. José Mário Martínez, Antonio Carlos Moretti e Francisco A. M. Gomes, "A Sequential Quadratic Programming Method That Uses Spectral Projected Gradient for Solving Qp Problems", Suxth SIAM Conference on Optimization, 10-15, Estados Unidos, (1999). [99825]
  12. Sonia Maria Gomes, "Combining wavelets with finite differences GAMM", Workshop: Adaptive Methods-Error Estimates, Alemanha, (1999). [100377]
  13. Diomar Cristina Mistro e Wilson Castro Ferreira Jr., "Invasão de Abelhas Africanizadas: Dispersão Não Local e Taxia", Congresso Internacional de Biomatemática, IX, 1 , 55-60, Chile, (1999). [100590]
  14. Luiz Alberto Diaz Rodrigues e Wilson Castro Ferreira Jr., "Fitotaxia e Agregação Não Local da Dispersão de Insetos Herbívoros", Congresso Internacional de Biomatemática. IX, 1 , 70-75, Chile, (1999). [100591]
  15. Edmundo Capelas de Oliveira, "Relatividade Projetiva: Perspectivas", Workshop em Análise Estocástica - Anestoc'99, II, 1 , 4, Chile, (1999). [100989]
  16. Edmundo Capelas de Oliveira e Denílson Gomes, "Massless Klein-Gordon Equation in the Robertson-Walker Spacetime", Conca, IX, 1 , 164, Chile, (1999). [100991]
  17. Alvaro Rodolfo De Pierro e Michel E. Beleza Yamagishi, "Fast iterative methods applied to tomography models with general Gibbs priors", Conf. on Mathemátical Mod., Bayesian Estimation and In. Problems, 3816 , 134-138, Estados Unidos, (1999). [101316]
  18. Sonia Maria Gomes, "Wavelets: Linear VersusNonlinear Approximation", Int. Conference in Science and Technology for Development, 1 , 11, Cuba, (1999). [101540]