Departamento de Matemática Aplicada

Capítulos de Livros Publicados no Exterior

  1. Roberto Andreani e José Mário Martínez, "Solving complementarity problems by means of a new smooth constrained nonlinear solver", "Reformulation-Nonsmooth, piecewise smooth, semismooth and smoothing methods", Editora: Kluwer, Pags 1-24, Boston, Estados Unidos, (1999). [89452]
  2. Jorge Ferreira e Marko Antonio Rojas Medar, "On global weak solutions of nonlinear evolution equation in noncylindrical domain", "Proc. Ninth International Coloquium on Differential Equations", Vol. 1, Editora: VSP-Utrecht, Pags 155-162, Netherlands, Holanda, (1999). [100785]