Departamento de Genética Médica
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados (poster)
Lopes Cendes, Iscia (DOCENTE); EPILEPSIA 2000 - I Congresso Latinoamericano de Epilepsia, (06/09/2000 a 09/09/2000), Santiago, CHILE, Poster:"*Surgical treatment in patients with familial temporal lobe epilepsy.* ".
Lopes Cendes, Iscia (DOCENTE); EPILEPSIA 2000 - I Congresso Latinoamericano de Epilepsia, (06/09/2000 a 09/09/2000), Santiago, CHILE, Poster:"*Secondary generalized epilepsy in patients with karyotype 46,xy,DER(15)T(15 ".
Lopes Cendes, Iscia (DOCENTE); EPILEPSIA 2000 - I Congresso Latinoamericano de Epilepsia, (06/09/2000 a 09/09/2000), Santiago, CHILE, Poster:"12) (Q26 ".
Lopes Cendes, Iscia (DOCENTE); EPILEPSIA 2000 - I Congresso Latinoamericano de Epilepsia, (06/09/2000 a 09/09/2000), Santiago, CHILE, Poster:"P13).* ".
Lopes Cendes, Iscia (DOCENTE); EPILEPSIA 2000 - I Congresso Latinoamericano de Epilepsia, (06/09/2000 a 09/09/2000), Santiago, CHILE, Poster:"*Familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) do not map do chromosome (CH) 10Q.* ".
Guerra, Andrea Trevas M (DOCENTE); European Human Genetics Conference 2000, (27/05/2000 a 30/05/2000), Amsterdam, HOLANDA, Poster:"*Two novel missense mutations in the SRY gene associated with 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis*. ".
Guerra, Andrea Trevas M (DOCENTE); 5th International Turner Symposium - Optimizing health care for Turner patients in the 21st century., (23/03/2000 a 25/03/2000), Nápolis, ITALIA, Poster:"The evolution of clinical and cytogenetic diagnosis of Turner Syndrome: 28-year experience in Brazil. (A7) ".
Guerra, Andrea Trevas M (DOCENTE); 5th International Turner Symposium - Optimizing health care for Turner patients in the 21st century., (23/03/2000 a 25/03/2000), Nápolis, ITALIA, Poster:"Y Mosaicism in Turner Syndrome: a study of 30 Brazilian patients. (A 12) ".