Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados de circulação (internacional)
  Cliquet Jr., Alberto (AUTOR); "A methodology for evaluating electromagnetic interference on medical equipment used in electrosurgical procedures.", 03/2000, Journal of Clinical Engineering, Vol. 2, pp.112-118, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Cliquet Jr., Alberto (AUTOR); "Artificial grasping system for the paralyzed hand.", 03/2000, Artificial Organs, Journal of the International Society for Artificial Organs, Vol. 24, pp.185-188, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Cliquet Jr., Alberto (AUTOR); "Artificial sensorimotor integration in spinal cord injured subjects through neuromuscular and electrotactile stimulation.", 02/2000, Artificial Organs, Journal of the International Society for Artificial Organs, Vol. 24, Fac. 9, pp.710-717, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Cliquet Jr., Alberto (AUTOR); "An artificial grasping evaluation system for the paralysed hand.", 02/2000, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2000., Vol. 38, pp.275-280, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Cliquet Jr., Alberto (AUTOR); "Specific control system for an anthropomorphic myoleletric hand prosthesis.", 01/2000, Nonlinear Dynamics,Chaos,Control and Their Application to Engineering Sciences., Vol. 6, pp.356-365, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000