Departamento de Ciência de Alimentos
Produções / Capítulos de livros publicados

  Soares, Lucia Maria Valente (AUTOR); Zanes Furlani, Regina Prado (CO-AUTOR); Oliveira, P.L.C. (CO-AUTOR); "Species related differences in Brazilian green coffee contamination by ochratoxin A.", "Coffee Biotechnology and Quality.", 09/2000, CAPÍTULO, ed. 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 8, pp.369-376, 2000
  Mercadante, Adriana Zerlotti (AUTOR); "Composition of carotenoids from annatto", "Chemistry and Physiology of Selected Food Colorants", 08/2000, CAPÍTULO, ed. 1, American Chemical Society Publication, Vol. 1, pp. 16, pp.1-16, 2000
  Scamparini, Adilma Regina Pippa (AUTOR); Vendruscolo, Claire Tondo (AUTOR); Maldonade, Iriani Rodrigues (AUTOR); Druzian, Janice Izabel (AUTOR); Mariuzzo, Daniela Martins (AUTOR); "New biopolymers produced by nitrogen fixing microorganisms", "Hydrocolloids - Physical Chemistry and Industrial Application of Gels, Polysaccharides and Proteins", 07/2000, CAPÍTULO, ed. 1, Elsevier Science, Vol. 1, pp. 10, pp.1-10, 2000
  Canhos, Vanderlei Perez (AUTOR); MANFIO, gILSON pAULO (AUTOR); "Microbial resource centres and ex-situ conservation", "Applied Microbial Systematics", 06/2000, CAPÍTULO, ed. 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 1, pp. 26, pp.1-26, 2000