Departamento de Sistemas de Energia Elétrica
Produções / Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congresso

Trabalhos completos em anais de congressos (internacional)
  Amancio Alves, Dilson (autor); da Silva, L.C.P. (autor); Castro Junior, Carlos Alberto de (autor); da Costa, Vivaldo Fernando (autor); "Continuation load flow method parameterized by power losses", 12/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, International Conference on Power System Technology - POWERCON2000, Vol. 2, pp.763-768, Perth, AUSTRALIA, 2000 *
  Morishigue, Regina (autor); Garcia, Ariovaldo Verandio (autor); "A real time operation power system simulator", 12/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, International Conference on Power System Technology - POWERCON, Vol. 2, pp.825-830, Perth, AUSTRALIA, 2000
  da Costa Abrantes, Héder Délcio (autor); Castro Junior, Carlos Alberto de (autor); "An efficient non linear programming based method for eliminating branch overloads", 11/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, IV Latin-american Congress on Electricity Generation and Transmission, Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Viña del Mar, CHILE, 2000
  da Conceição, André Gustavo Campos (autor); Castro Junior, Carlos Alberto de (autor); "Corrective control strategies in case of unfeasible operating situations in power systems", 11/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, IV Latin-american Congress on Electricity Generation and Transmission, Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Viña del Mar, CHILE, 2000
  Sato, Fujio (autor); Benetoli Duran, João Ricardo (autor); "Probabilistic short-circuit analys is in distribution networks for risk assessment", 11/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, INDUSCON - Congresso Latino Americano de Dist. de Energia Elétrica, Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Porto Alegre, RS, BRASIL, 2000
  Sato, Fujio (autor); Benetoli Duran, João Ricardo (autor); "Probabilistic short-circuit analysis by Monte Carlo approach for risk assessment", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 9th International Symposium on Short-Circuit Currents in Power Systems, Vol. 1, pp.215-220, Cracow, POLONIA, 2000
  da Costa Abrantes, Héder Délcio (autor); Castro Junior, Carlos Alberto de (autor); "New branch overload elimination method using non linear programming", 07/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Seattle, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Amancio Alves, Dilson (autor); da Silva, L.C.P. (autor); Castro Junior, Carlos Alberto de (autor); da Costa, Vivaldo Fernando (autor); "New parameterization schemes for the continuation load flow method", 06/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, DRPT - Int. Conf. on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Londres, INGLATERRA, 2000
  Castro Junior, Carlos Alberto de (autor); "On the calculation of low voltage solutions assessment of electric power systems and its utilization in voltage stability analysis methods", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, VII SEPOPE - Symposium Spec. Electric Operat. and Expansion Planning, Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Curitiba, PR, BRASIL, 2000
  Castro Junior, Carlos Alberto de (autor); "Improved low voltage solution calculation method for voltage stability assessment of electric power systems", 01/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, IEEE Winter Meeting, Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Singapura, CHINA, 2000
  Amancio Alves, Dilson (autor); da Silva, L.C.P. (autor); Castro Junior, Carlos Alberto de (autor); da Costa, Vivaldo Fernando (autor); "Continuation load flow method parameterized by power losses", 01/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, IEEE PES Winter Meeting, Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Cingapura, CINGAPURA, 2000 *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos