Departamento de Termofluidodinâmica
Produções / Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congresso

Trabalhos completos em anais de congressos (internacional)
  Mohamed, Rahoma Sadeg (autor); Saldana, Marleny Doris Aranda (autor); Zetzi, C. (autor); Brunner, G. (autor); "The extraction of methylxanthines from natural products in a microextraction column using supercritical CO2 and ethanol", 12/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, International Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Vol. I, pp.185-192, Nice, FRANCA, 2000
  Mohamed, Rahoma Sadeg (autor); Saldana, Marleny Doris Aranda (autor); Brunner, G. (autor); Zetzi, C. (autor); "Extraction of methylcanthines from guaraná seeds, maté leaves and cocoa nibs in a microextraction column using supercritical CO2", 12/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Internation Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Vol. I, pp.243-257, Nice, FRANCA, 2000
  Mohamed, Rahoma Sadeg (autor); Saldana, Marleny Doris Aranda (autor); Zetzi, C. (autor); Brunner, G. (autor); "Decaffeination of guaraná seeds in a microextraction column using water-saturated CO2", 11/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 5th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Vol. I, pp.285-297, Atlanta, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Cremasco, Marco Aurélio (autor); Cremasco, Solange Bonilha R. (autor); "A importância da comunicação para o engenheiro químico: uma metodologia para a apresentaçãoa de trabalhos", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XIV Congresso Chileno de Ingenieria Química, Vol. 1, pp.51-51, Santiagi, CHILE, 2000
  Cremasco, Marco Aurélio (autor); Cremasco, Solange Bonilha R. (autor); "Separação ternária de aminoácidos em leito móvel simulado, parte I: estratégia de design", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XIV Congresso Chileno de Ingenieira Química, Vol. 1, pp.52-52, Santiago, CHILE, 2000
  Rocha, Sandra C.S. (autor); Oliveira, Carlos Alberto (autor); "Análise comparativa da secagem de feijão em leito de jorro com condições operacionais contínuas e intermitentes do ar", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Sistemas Particulados, Vol. I, pp.547-554, Campos do Jordão, SP, BRASIL, 2000
  Tannous, Katia (autor); Garcia, C.A.B. (autor); Alves, J.P.H. (autor); Roma, A.c. (autor); "Estudo de um novo sensor para análise de fenol em água e rejeitos industriais", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química - COBEQ 2000, Vol. 1, pp.225-237, Águas de São Pedro, SP, BRASIL, 2000
  Rocha, Sandra C.S. (autor); Lima, Maria de Fatima M. (autor); Alsina, Odelsia Leonor S. (autor); Jerônimo, C.E.M. (autor); da Mata, M.L. (autor); "Influence of the material chemical composition on the performance of the drying process of fruit in spouted beds", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XII COBEQ 2000, Vol. I, pp.21-27, Águas de São Pedro, SP, BRASIL, 2000
  Rocha, Sandra C.S. (autor); Paulo Filho, Mario (autor); "Verification of mechanical damage in bean seeds due to the fluid-dynamics in spouted beds", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XIII COBEQ 2000, Vol. I, pp.32-40, Águas de São Pedros, SP, BRASIL, 2000
  Rocha, Sandra C.S. (autor); Oliveira, Carlos Alberto (autor); "Drying of beans in a spouted bed with continuous and intermitent conditions of the drying air", 07/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XIII COBEQ 2000, Vol. I, pp.7-15, Águas de São Pedros, SP, BRASIL, 2000
  Cremasco, Marco Aurélio (autor); Taranto, Osvaldir Pereira (autor); "Simplified model to heat and mass transfer during rough rice drying in laple cyclones", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Internation Drying Symposium, Vol. 1, pp.28-35, Neerderlands, HOLANDA, 2000
  Cremasco, Marco Aurélio (autor); Hritzko, B.J. (autor); Farrenburg, C.A. (autor); Wang, N.H.L. (autor); "Amino acid separation using a laboratory-scale simulated moving bed", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, AIChE 99, Vol. 1, pp.93-101, Dallas, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Kieckbusch, Theo Guenter (autor); Burjaili, M.M. (autor); "Air drag effects on inerts in drying bed", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 12th International Drying Symposium, Vol. 1, pp.4-11, Noordwijkerhout, HOLANDA, 2000
  Cremasco, Marco Aurélio (autor); Taranto, Osvaldir Pereira (autor); "simplified model to heat and mass transfer during rough rice drying in lapple cyclones", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 12th International Drying Symposium, Vol. 1, pp.17-21, Noordwijkerhout, HOLANDA, 2000
  Rocha, Sandra C.S. (autor); Oliveira, Carlos Alberto (autor); "Drying beans in intermittent spouted bed regime: analysis of energy efficiency of the drying process", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 12th International Drying Symposium, Vol. 1, pp.28-34, Noordwijkerhout, HOLANDA, 2000
  Rocha, Sandra C.S. (autor); Faria, Lenio José Guerreiro (autor); "Experimental analysis of annatto seeds (bixa orellana L.) drying in fixed bed", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 12th International Drying Symposium, Vol. 1, pp.64-70, Noordwijkerhout, HOLANDA, 2000
  Rocha, Sandra C.S. (autor); Donida, Marta Wilk (autor); "Polymer-coated urea in a two-dimensional spouted bed", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 12th International Drying Symposium, Vol. 1, pp.2-10, Noordwijkerhout, HOLANDA, 2000
  Taranto, Osvaldir Pereira (autor); da Silva, Daniela Pires (autor); "Study of the fluid dynamic behavior of micro-granules in a fluidized bed: a study aiming at coating", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 12th International Drying Symposium, Vol. 1, pp.12-19, Noordwijkerhout, HOLANDA, 2000
  Taranto, Osvaldir Pereira (autor); Ambrosio, Miriam Carla B. (autor); Leistner, M. (autor); "Drying a cohesive particulated material in mechanically stirred fluidized bed", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 12th International Drying Symposium, Vol. 1, pp.21-28, Noordwijkerhout, HOLANDA, 2000
  Taranto, Osvaldir Pereira (autor); Cremasco, Marco Aurélio (autor); "Simplified model to heat mass transfer during rough rice drying in lappel cyclones", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 12th International Drying Symposium - IDS 2000, Vol. 1, pp.33-39, Noordwijkerhout, HOLANDA, 2000
  Cremasco, Marco Aurélio (autor); Meier, H.F. (autor); Mori, Milton (autor); "Heat transfer and fluid flow in cyclones: ACDF study", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, CAIP 99, Vol. 1, pp.575-579, San Jose, COSTA RICA, 2000