Departamento de Microbiologia e Imunologia
Produções / Resumos Publicados

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos (internacional)
  Campalans, J. (autor); Costa, S.C.B. (autor); Arns, Clarice Weis (autor); "Sequence determination of a fragment of attachment (G) protein bovine respiratory syncitial virus", 11/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 11th National Meeting of virology and 3rd Mercosul meeting of Virology, Vol. S/N, pp.185-185, São Lourenço, MG, BRASIL, 2000
  Salvadori, M.R. (autor); Menegon-Degrossoli, A.S. (autor); Yano, Tomomasa (autor); "Cytoplasmatic vacuolizating induced by verocytotoxin (VT2y) produced by Escherichia coli isolated from chicken with swollen head syndrome (SHS)", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, International Symposium and Workshop on Shiga Toxin (Verocytotoxin) - Producing Escherichia coli Infections, Vol. S/N, pp.133-133, Kyoto, JAPAO, 2000
  Salvadori, M.R. (autor); Yamada, A.T. (autor); Yano, Tomomasa (autor); "Apoptosis induced verocytotoxin (VT2y) produced by Escherichia coli isolated from chicken with swollen head syndrome (SHS)", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Quarto International Symposium and Worshop on Shiga Toxin, Vol. S/N, pp.139-139, Kyoto, JAPAO, 2000
  Parreira, V.R. (autor); Yano, Tomomasa (autor); Gyles, C. (autor); "Shiga toxin gene in E. coli from swollen head syndrome in chickens", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Quarto International Sumposium and workshop on Shiga toxin, Vol. S/N, pp.149-149, Kyoto, JAPAO, 2000
  Penteado, P.F. (AUTOR); Carelli, E. (AUTOR); Grippo, M.C. (AUTOR); Cruz-Hofling, Maria Alice (AUTOR); Verinaud, Liana Maria Cardoso (AUTOR); "Establishment and partial characterization of human intracranial glioma", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXV Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Immunology, Vol. 1, pp.158-158, Florianópolis, SC, BRASIL, 2000