Departamento de Raios Cósmicos
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos
Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados de circulação (internacional)
Assis, A.K.T. (autor); "On the propagation of electromagnetic signals in wires and coaxial cables ccording to Weber's electrodynamics", 12/2000, Foundations of Physics, Vol. 30, Fac. 7, pp.1107-1121, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
Bergmann, S. (autor); Guzzo, M.M. (autor); Holanda, P.C. (autor); Krastev, P.I. (autor); Nunokawa, H. (autor); "Status of the solution to the solar neutrino problem based on nostandard neutrino interactions art;no.073001", 12/2000, Physical Review D, Vol. 6207, Fac. 7, pp.3001-3003, U.S.A., ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
Assis, A.K.T. (autor); Silvia, H.T. (autor); "Comparison between Weber's electrodynamics and classical electrodynamics", 12/2000, Pramana ; Journal of Physics, Vol. 55, Fac. 3, pp.393-404, Bangalore, INDIA, 2000
Assis, A.K.T. (autor); "Comment on *Experimental proof of standard electrodynamics by measuring the self-force on a part of a current loop", 12/2000, Physical Review, Vol. 62, Fac. 5, pp.7544-7544, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
Santos, L.F. (autor); Escobar, C.O. (autor); "Stochastic differential equations for the continuous spontaneous localization model", 12/2000, Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 15, Fac. 30, pp.1833-1842, Singapore, CINGAPURA, 2000
Reggiani, Norma (autor); Guzzo, M.M. (autor); Bartra, J.H.C. (autor); Holanda, P.C. (autor); "Solar magnetohydrodynamics models and parametric resonance in neutrino spin-flavor conversion", 10/2000, European Journal of Physics, Vol. C12, Fac. 2, pp.263-269, Bristol, REINO UNIDO, 2000
Oliveira, S.G.de (autor); Hadler N., J.C. (autor); Iunes, P.J. (autor); Paulo, S.R. (autor); Zuñiga G., A.R. (autor); "The spontaneous fission decay constant of U-238 using SSNTD", 10/2000, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 245, Fac. 2, pp.441-442, Lausanne, SUICA, 2000
Gusev, A.A. (autor); Jayanthi, U.B (autor); Martin, I.M. (autor); Pugacheva, G.I. (autor); "On positron radiation belt in the Earth's magnetosphere", 10/2000, Brazilian Journal of Physics, Vol. 30, Fac. 3, pp.590-593, São Paulo, SP, BRASIL, 2000
Assis, A.K.T. (autor); Guala-Valverde, J. (autor); "Mass in relational mechanics", 09/2000, Apeiron, Vol. 7, pp.131-132, SP, BRASIL, 2000
Reggiani, N. (autor); Guzzo, M.M. (autor); Bartra, J.H.C. (autor); Holanda, P.C. (autor); "Effects of Magnetohydrodynamics Matter Density Fluctuations on Solar Neutrino Resonant Spin-Flavor Precession", 09/2000, Brazilian Journal of Physics, Vol. 30, Fac. 3, pp.594-601, São Paulo, SP, BRASIL, 2000
Biral, A.R.P. (autor); Chinellato, J.A. (autor); "Properties of ultraviolet light in extensive air showers", 08/2000, Journal of Physics G, Vol. 26, pp.1255-1270, London, REINO UNIDO, 2000
Gago, A.M. (autor); Nunokawa, H. (autor); Funchal, R.Z. (autor); "Solar neutrino problem and gravitationally induced long-wavelength neutrino oscillation", 07/2000, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 84, Fac. 18, pp.4035-4038, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
Gonzales-Garcia, M.C. (autor); Holanda, P.C. (autor); Pena-Garay, C. (autor); "Seasonal dependence in the solar neutrino flux", 07/2000, Nuclear Physics, Vol. 81, Fac. B, pp.89-94, Amsterdan, HOLANDA, 2000
Gonzales-Garcia, M.C. (autor); Holanda, P.C. (autor); Pena-Garay, C. (autor); Valle, J.W.F. (autor); "Status of the MSW solutions of the solar neurino problem", 07/2000, Nuclear Physics, Vol. 573, Fac. 1-2, pp.3-26, Amsterdan, HOLANDA, 2000
Pugacheva, G.I. (autor); Boscher, D.M. (autor); Gusev, A.A. (autor); Martin, I.M. (autor); Spjeldvik, W.N. (autor); "Transport modeling of energetic electrons in the inner magnetosphere with synchrotron energy losses", 07/2000, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 12, pp.2323-2326, Oxford, REINO UNIDO, 2000
Pugacheva, G.I. (autor); Gusev, A.A. (autor); Kohno, T. (autor); Martin, I.M. (autor); Spjeldvik, W.N. (autor); "Spatial and temporal variations of energetic trapped helium measured with Japanese satellite OHZORA", 07/2000, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 25, Fac. 12, pp.2319-2322, Oxford, REINO UNIDO, 2000
Batista, M. (autor); Covolan, R.J.M. (autor); Pontes, A.N. (autor); "Behavior of the diffractive cross section in hadron-nucleus collisions", 07/2000, Physical Review C ; Nuclear Physics, Vol. 62, pp.17901-17904, Nwe York, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
Dersch, U (AUTOR); Akchurin, N. (AUTOR); Andreev, V.A. (AUTOR); Escobar, C.O. (AUTOR); "Total cross section mesurements with pi(-), Sigma (-) and protons on nuclei and nucleons around 600 GeV/c", 07/2000, Nuclear Physics B, Vol. 579, Fac. 1-2, pp.277-312, Amsterdam, HOLANDA, 2000
Assis, A.K.T. (autor); Fukay, J. (autor); Carvalho, H.B. (autor); "Weberian Induction", 06/2000, Physics Letters: A, Vol. 268, Fac. 4-6, pp.274-278, Amsterdan, HOLANDA, 2000
Augusto, C.R.A (autor); Barroso, S.L.C (autor); Fujimoto, Y. (autor); Kopenkin, V. (autor); Moriya, M. (autor); Navia, C.E. (autor); Ohsawa, A. (autor); Shibuya, E.H. (autor); Tamada, M. (autor); "Inelasticity distribution of hadron-Pb collisions in the energy region exceeding 10 (14) eV from mountain cosmic ray experiments -art.no.012003", 06/2000, Physical Review D, Vol. 61, Fac. 1, pp.2001-2010, U.S.A., ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
Assis, A.K.T. (AUTOR); Bueno, M. (CO-AUTOR); "Bootstrap effect in classical electrodynamics", 06/2000, Revista Facultad de Ingenieria, Vol. 7, pp.49-55, Arica, CHILE, 2000
Beggio, P.C. (autor); Menon, M.J. (autor); Valin, P. (autor); "Scaling violations: Conections between elastic and inelastic hadron scattering in a geometrical approach- art. no.034015", 04/2000, Physical Review D, Vol. 6103, Fac. 3, pp.4015-4017, U.S.A., ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
Assis, A.K.T. (autor); Cisneros, J.I. (autor); "Surface charges and fields in a resistive coaxial cable carrying a constant current", 02/2000, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems; Fundamental Theory ....: Part 1, Vol. 47, pp.63-66, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000 *
Jun, S.Y. (AUTOR); Akchurin, N. (AUTOR); Andreev, V.A. (AUTOR); Escobar, C.O. (AUTOR); "Observation of the Cabibbo-suppressed decayXi(+)(c)->pK(-)pi(+)", 02/2000, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 84, Fac. 9, pp.1857-1861, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos