Departamento de Química Inorgânica
Produções / Artigos, trabalhos e capítulos de livro aceitos para publicação / Artigos aceitos para publicação em periódicos

Artigos completos aceitos para publicação em periódicos arbitrados (internacional)
  Sforça, M. L. (autor); Yoshida, I.V.P. (autor); Borges, C. P. (autor); Nunes, S. P. (autor); "Hybrid membranes base on SiO2/polyether-b-polyamide: Morphology ad applications.", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. S/N, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS
  Schiavon, M. A. (autor); Radovanovic, E. (autor); Yoshida, I.V.P. (autor); "Microstructural characterization on monolithic ceramic matrix composites from polysiloxane/SiC powder systems.", Powder Technology, Vol. S/N, Lausanne, SUICA
  Wolke, S.I. (autor); Buffon, R. (autor); Rodrigues Fo., U.P. (autor); "Surface organometallic chemistry of vanadium(V): reactivity of (ButN=)VNp3 towards silica.", Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, Vol. S/N, Lausanne, SUICA
  Schuchardt, U. (autor); Sercheli, R. (autor); Pereira, R. (autor); Cruz, R. S. (autor); Guerreiro, M. C. (autor); Mandelli, D. (autor); Spinacé, E.V. (autor); Pires, E.L. (autor); "Cycloexane oxidation continues to be a challenge.", Applied Catalysis A: General, Vol. S/N, Amsterdan, HOLANDA
  Arnold, U. (autor); Cruz, R. S. (autor); Mandelli, D. (autor); Schuchardt, U. (autor); "Activity, selectivity and stability of metallosilicates containing molybdenium for the epoxidation of alkenes.", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, Vol. S/N, Amsterdam, HOLANDA
  Pires, E.L. (autor); Arnold, U. (autor); Schuchardt, U. (autor); "Amorphous silicates containing cerium: Selective catalysts for the oxidation of cyclohexane.", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, Vol. S/N, Amsterdam, HOLANDA
  Mandelli, D. (autor); Vliet, M.C.A. van (autor); Arnold, U. (autor); Sheldon, R.A. (autor); Schuchardt, U. (autor); "Epoxidation of alkenes with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by ReO4-SiO2Al2O3 and ReO4-Al2O4.", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, Vol. S/N, Amsterdam, HOLANDA
  Arnold, U. (autor); Cruz, R. S. (autor); Mandelli, D. (autor); Schuchardt, U. (autor); "Microporous metalosilicates for the oxidation of hycrocarbons: Preparation, characterization and catalytic activity.", Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Vol. S/N, Amsterdam, HOLANDA
  Gimenez, I.F. (autor); Mazali, I. O. (autor); Alves, O.L. (autor); "Application of raman spectroscopy to the study of the phase composition of phosphate based glass-ceramics.", Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol. S/N, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS
  Ramos, A.Y. (autor); Tolentino, H.C.N. (autor); Alves, M.C.M. (autor); Watanabe, N. (autor); Cardona, M.G.1 (autor); Alves, O.L. (autor); Barbosa, L.C. (autor); "CsCl-modified Ga2S3-La2S3 glasses: Structural approach by x-ray absorption spectroscopy.", Journal of Materials Research, Vol. S/N, Pittsburg, PA, ESTADOS UNIDOS
  Kellermann, G. (autor); Craievich, A. (autor); Barbosa, L.C. (autor); Alves, O.L. (autor); "Nucleation and growth of CdTe1-xSx nanocrystals embedded in a silicate glass. Effects of silfur content and two-step thermal annealing.", Journal of Non Crystalline Solids, Vol. S/N, pp.1-1, Amsterdam, HOLANDA *
  Carmo, D.R. do (autor); Rodrigues Filho, U.P. (autor); Stadler, E. (autor); Drago, V. (autor); Gushikem, Y. (autor); "The cyanide photoisomerization in zinc hexacyanoferate (II) supported on titanium dioxide-silica gel composite: a matrix effect.", Journal of Coordination Chemistry, Vol. S/N, Amsterdam, HOLANDA
  Gonçalves, J.E. (autor); Castro, S.C. de (autor); Ramos, A.Y. (autor); Alves, M.C.M. (autor); Gushikem, Y. (autor); "X-ray absorption and SPS study of titanium mixed oxides synthesized by the sol-gel method.", Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, Vol. S/N, Amsterdam, HOLANDA
  Carmo, D. R. do (autor); Rodrigues Filho, U.P. (autor); Gushikem, Y. (autor); Franco, D. W. (autor); "Spectroscopic and electrochemical study of [Ru(NH3)5OH2]3+, [Ru(NH3)5Cl]2+, and [Os(NH3)5OH2]3+ immobilized on thin film of Ti(IV) oixde dispersed on the silica gel surface.", Polyhedron, Vol. S/N, Oxford, REINO UNIDO
  Sotomayor, M. D. P. T. (autor); Raimundo Jr., I.M. (autor); Zarbin, A.J.G. (autor); Rohwedder, J.J.R. (autor); Oliveira Neto, G. (autor); Alves, O.L. (autor); "Construction and evaluation of an optical pH sensor based on polianiline - porous Vycor glass", Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, Vol. S/N, LAUSANNE, SUICA *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos