Centro de Estudos de Petróleo
Produções / Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congresso

Trabalhos completos em anais de congressos (internacional)
  Salomão, Marcelo C. (autor); Remacre, A. Z. (autor); "Experimental Variogram in Discrete Markovian and Truncated Gaussian Stochastic Processes.", 12/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 6TH GEOSTATISTICS CONGRESS, 2000, Vol. S/N, pp.1-1, CAPE TOWN, AFRICA DO SUL, 2000 *
  Morooka, Celso Kazuyuki (AUTOR); Carvalho, Paulo Cesar Gasse (AUTOR); Bordalo, Sergio Nascimento (AUTOR); "Control PCP: An Intelligent System for Progressing Cavity Pumps", 12/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, ATCE 2000, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000 *
  Morooka, Celso Kazuyuki (AUTOR); Castro, Guilherme Teixeira (AUTOR); "Gerenciamento de Campo de Petroleo, Evolucao e Perspectivas", 12/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Rio Oil & Gas, Vol. 1, pp.2-9, RJ, BRASIL, 2000 *
  Bannwart, A. C. (AUTOR); Palermo Júnior, Leandro (AUTOR); "Solution of Vertical Annular Liquid-Liquid Flows Using the Boundary Element Method", 12/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 21ST Iberian Latin-American Congress on Compuational Methods in Engineering - XXI CILAMCE, Vol. 1, pp.1-9, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2000 *
  Morooka, Celso Kazuyuki (AUTOR); Schiozer, Denis Jose (AUTOR); Bordalo, Sergio Nascimento (AUTOR); "Evaluation of a Field Reactivation Project", 11/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, SPE Forum Series in South America and the Caribbean, Vol. 1, pp.1-10, Salvador, BA, BRASIL, 2000 *
  Bannwart, A. C. (AUTOR); Rodrigues, Oscar Maurício H. (AUTOR); "The Geometry of Interfacial Waves in Vertical Core-Annular Flow", 11/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Internacional Symposium on Multiphase Flow and Transport Phenomena - MFTP-2000, Vol. 1, pp.1-8, TURQUIA, 2000 *
  Carvalho, Rogério M. (autor); Remacre, A. Z. (autor); Suslick, S. B. (autor); "Geoestatical Simulation and Option Pricing Techniques: A Methodology To Integrate Geological Models in the Mining Evaluation Projects", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 6TH International Geoestatical Congress, Vol. 1, pp.1-10, Cape Town, AFRICA DO SUL, 2000 *
  Ribeiro, Paulo Roberto (AUTOR); Grothe, Vinicius Perrud (CO-AUTOR); Sousa, José Luiz A. de O. e (CO-AUTOR); "Hydraulic Fracturing Physical Simulation: An Analysis of Crosslinked Fluids LeakOff", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2000 *
  Pedroso Jr., Carlos (AUTOR); Schiozer, Denis Jose (AUTOR); "Optimizing locations of wells in Field Development using Reservoir Simulation and Parallel Computing (PVM)", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Rio Oil & Gas, Vol. 1, pp.5-20, RJ, BRASIL, 2000 *
  Santos, José Carlos Moura (AUTOR); Schiozer, Denis Jose (AUTOR); "Automatic History Matching of an Offshore Field in Brazil", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Rio Oil & Gas, Vol. 1, pp.20-30, RJ, BRASIL, 2000 *
  Morooka, Celso Kazuyuki (AUTOR); DEZEN, FRANCISCO JOSE P (AUTOR); "Adding Real Options Value to Decision Analysis", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Rio Oil & Gas, Vol. 1, pp.1-5, RJ, BRASIL, 2000 *
  Morooka, Celso Kazuyuki (AUTOR); "Sistema Inteligente para Definicao dos Parametros de Agua de Injecao em Reservatorios", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Rio Oil & Gas, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, RJ, BRASIL, 2000 *
  R., Saito (AUTOR); Pedroso Jr., Carlos (AUTOR); Schiozer, Denis Jose (AUTOR); "Value Assessment of Oil Reserves Under Different Production Techniques", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 16th World Petroleum Congress, Vol. 1, pp.5-15, CANADA, 2000 *
  Wendland, E. (AUTOR); R.F., Paiva (AUTOR); Schiozer, Denis Jose (AUTOR); "Experimental and numerical investigations of matrix diffusion in fractured sandstone", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 1º Congresso Mundial Integrado de Aguas Subterraneas, Vol. 1, pp.20-30, Fortaleza, CE, BRASIL, 2000 *
  Matos, Arlindo (AUTOR); Rosa, Eugenio Spano (AUTOR); França, Fernando de Almeida (AUTOR); "Distribuição da Fração de Vazios em uma Curva Plana de 180 Graus", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, ENCIT 2000 - 8th Brazilian Congress of Themal Engineering and Science, Vol. 1, pp.1-10, Porto Alegre, RS, BRASIL, 2000 *
  Basilici, Giorgio (AUTOR); "From a closed lake alluvial fan to an open braided-fluvial depositional system: tectonic factors controlling the sedimentary evalution of the Sabina basin (Plio-Pleistocene, Central Italy)", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 31Th International Geological Congress, Vol. 1, pp.7-12, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2000 *
  Pontini, R. (AUTOR); Basilici, Giorgio (AUTOR); "Lithofacies and pollen assemblage in lake system deposits: pliocene, Central Italy", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 31Th International Geological Congress, Vol. 1, pp.10-25, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2000 *
  Fernandes, Doneivan (autor); Suslick, S. B. (autor); "A New Approach for Accesing Offshore Decommissioning: A Decision Model for Performance Bonds", 06/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, SPE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HEALTH SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT IN OIL, Vol. 1, pp.20-35, Stavanger, NORUEGA, 2000 *
  Paiva, Ronaldo Oliveira (AUTOR); Schiozer, Denis Jose (AUTOR); Bordalo, Sergio Nascimento (AUTOR); "Otimizing the itinerary of workover rigs", 06/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 16th World Petroleum Congress, Vol. 1, pp.6-10, CANADA, 2000 *
  Furtado, Ricardo (autor); Suslick, S. B. (autor); "A Tool for Scaling Weights for Multi-Attribute Decision Models For Oil Exploration and Production Systems", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Congresso Production 2000, Vol. 1, pp.100-115, Puerto Iguazu, ARGENTINA, 2000 *
  Silva, Alessandro H. M. (autor); Remacre, A. Z. (autor); Souza, Carlos Roberto (autor); "Geoestatical Simulation of Structurally-Controlled Low Grade-High Tonnage Gold Ores: a Strategy For Targeting Genuine Enriched Zones.", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 31st International Geological Congress, Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL, 2000 *
  Castro, Guilherme (autor); Morooka, Celso Kazuyuki (autor); Suslick, S. B. (autor); Furtado, Ricardo (autor); "Decision Process For Field Development Considering Technological Safety Enviromental And Financial", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, III Workshop Latinoamericano Sobre Aplicaciones de La Ciencia en La, Vol. 1, pp.1-15, Puerto Iguazú, ARGENTINA, 2000 *
  R.F., Paiva (AUTOR); Bordalo, Sergio Nascimento (AUTOR); Schiozer, Denis Jose (AUTOR); "Optimizing the Itinerary of Workover Rigs in Petroleum Production", 05/2000, ARTÍSTICO INTERNACIONAL, Produccion 2000, Vol. 1, pp.1-10, ARGENTINA, 2000 *
  Albianelli, A. (AUTOR); Ambrosetti, P. (AUTOR); Basilici, Giorgio (AUTOR); Bertini, A. (AUTOR); Napoleone, G. (AUTOR); Pontini, R. (AUTOR); "Mid-late pliocene magnetostratigraphic timing of the Valtiberina lacustrine deposits in the northern Apennines Italy", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Evolução Geológica e Geodinâmica do Apenino, em Memória do Prof Giampaolo Pialli, Vol. 1, pp.7-10, ITALIA, 2000 *
  Basilici, Giorgio (AUTOR); Fisuali, M. (AUTOR); "Application of the facies analyses to the geological mapping of continental deposits: two cases in plio-pleistocene basin", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Evolução Geológica e Geodinâmica do Apenino, em Memória do Prof Giampaolo Pialli, Vol. 1, pp.10-15, ITALIA, 2000 *
  Castro, Guilherme Teixeira (AUTOR); Morooka, Celso Kazuyuki (AUTOR); Suslick, S. B. (AUTOR); Furtado, Ricardo (AUTOR); "Um processo decisório que leva em conta os riscos tecnológicos, ambientais e finaceiros", 05/2000, ARTÍSTICO INTERNACIONAL, Produccion 2000, Vol. 1, pp.5-15, ARGENTINA, 2000 *
  Ribeiro, Paulo Roberto (autor); Blanco, L.B. (autor); "Numerical Simulation of Heavy Oil Artifficial Lifting Using Processive Cavity Pumping", 02/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, ETCE/OMAE 2000 of ASME, Vol. S/N, pp.10027-10027, New Orleans - Lousiana, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000 *
  Vasquez, Guilherme (autor); Simoes Filho, Ivan A. (autor); "Viscoelastic behaviour of a brazilian turbidite and its relationships with facies attributes.", 02/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 70th Meeting of the Society of exploration Geophysicists, Vol. 1, pp.10-20, Calgary, CANADA, 2000 *
  Bordalo, Sergio Nascimento (AUTOR); Maldonado, Juan C. Severiche (AUTOR); "Experimental Study of Two-Phase Flow Splitting Through a Lateral T-Joint", 02/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, ETCE/OMAE 2000 of ASME, Vol. 1, pp.4-4, New Orleans - Lousiana, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000 *
  Bannwart, A. C. (AUTOR); "Bubble Analogy and Stabilization of Core-Annular Flow", 02/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, ETCE/OMAE 2000 of ASME, Vol. 1, pp.1-7, New Orleans - Lousiana, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000 *
  Bannwart, A. C. (AUTOR); "Modeling of Vertical Core-Annular Flows and Application to Heavy-Oil Production", 02/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, ETCE/OMAE 2000 of ASME, Vol. 1, pp.1-8, New Orleans - Lousiana, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000 *
  Braga, Mario S. Santos (autor); Souza Junior, Olinto Gomes de (autor); Remacre, A. Z. (autor); "Facies Proportion Matrixes Building for 3D Geologic Modelling of Reconcavo Basin Deltaic Reservoirs, Bahia, State, Brazil", 01/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 6TH GEOSTATISTICS CONGRESS, 2000, Vol. S/N, pp.1-1, CAPE TOWN, AFRICA DO SUL, 2000 *
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