Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Departamento de Enfermagem
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados (poster)
Monteiro Cocco, Maria Ines (COORDENADOR); International High-level conference on work life in the 21st Century, (14/10/2001 a 17/10/2001), Helsinque, FINLANDIA, Poster:"Gender and productive restructuration in Brazil: impacts on health and work between hospital's cleaners ".
Kirschbaum, Debora Isane Ratner (COORDENADOR); ICN 22nd Quadriennal Congress - Nursing: A New era for action, (10/06/2001 a 15/06/2001), Copenhagen, DINAMARCA, Poster:"Nursing in mental health ".
Kirschbaum, Debora Isane Ratner (COORDENADOR); ICN 22nd Quadriennal Congress - Nursing: A New era for action, (10/06/2001 a 15/06/2001), Copenhagen, DINAMARCA, Poster:"The nursing job in a psychiatric intermment unit ".
Moraes Lopes, Maria Helena Baena (COORDENADOR); ICN 22nd Quadriennal Congress - Nursing: A New era for action, (10/06/2001 a 15/06/2001), Copenhagen, DINAMARCA, Poster:"Evaluation of a potassium rich diet in the treatment of muscle cramp during pregnancy ".
Filho, José Francisco (COORDENADOR); ICN 22nd Quadriennal Congress - Nursing: A New era for action, (10/06/2001 a 15/06/2001), Copenhagen, DINAMARCA, Poster:"Orientation about psychosocial rehabilitation in nursing: a task of psychiatric nurses ".
Filho, José Francisco (COORDENADOR); ICN 22nd Quadriennal Congress - Nursing: A New era for action, (10/06/2001 a 15/06/2001), Copenhagen, DINAMARCA, Poster:"Identification des signes de dépression de la persone agée: L'aide que peut venir infirmieres ".
Kirschbaum, Debora Isane Ratner (COORDENADOR); ICN 22nd Quadriennal Congress - Nursing: A New era for action, (10/06/2001 a 15/06/2001), Copenhagen, DINAMARCA, Poster:"The contribuition of a research center in facilitating the process of inquiring ".
Gallani, Maria Cecilia B. J. (COORDENADOR); ICN 22nd Quadriennal Congress - Nursing: A New era for action, (10/06/2001 a 15/06/2001), Copenhagen, DINAMARCA, Poster:"Determinantes del comportamiento de actividad fisica pro pacientes infartados ".
Alexandre, Neusa Maria Costa (COORDENADOR); ICN 22nd Quadriennal Congress - Nursing: A New era for action, (10/06/2001 a 15/06/2001), Copenhagen, DINAMARCA, Poster:"Measures for low back pain: a proposal for clinical use ".
Benatti, Maria C. Cardoso (COORDENADOR); ICN 22nd Quadriennal Congress - Nursing: A New era for action, (10/06/2001 a 15/06/2001), Copenhagen, DINAMARCA, Poster:"The occurrence of work accidents among nursing personel at a university hospital ".
Rodrigues Colombo, Roberta Cunha (COORDENADOR); ICN 22nd Quadriennal Congress - Nursing: A New era for action, (10/06/2001 a 15/06/2001), Copenhagen, DINAMARCA, Poster:"Comportamientos relacionados con la dislipidemia en pacientes infartados ".
de Martino, Milva Maria F. (COORDENADOR); VI Latin American Symposium of Chronobiology, (09/05/2001 a 13/05/2001), Natal, RN, BRASIL, Poster:"A comparative study on the sleep patterns of day and nught shift nurses ".